    what can be done for cat petellar luxation?

    0  Views: 1712 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers


    Cats with low grade MPL should be managed conservatively with a period of rest and a short course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. If the lameness persists or worsens they should be re-evaluated.
    Some cats will fall into a gray zone, with grade 2 or even 3 MPL but minimal clinical signs. If the lameness is occasional and not progressive then surgery is probably not indicated. But where this grade is associated with a more marked lameness or serial X-rays show significant progression of arthritis, surgery would be appropriate.

    A variety of available surgical techniques aim to restore the patella to tracking permanently in its correct plane within the groove of the femur. To achieve this goal the groove may be artificially deepened either by abrading the existing surface or cutting a v-shaped wedge into the bone. The joint capsule surrounding the knee may be too tight on the inside, pulling the patella in that direction, and so may need to be loosened while the opposite side of the capsule is tightened. Finally, the attachment of the patella itself may deviate to the medial or inner aspect of the tibia, and therefore need to be restored to a straight attachment. This is usually achieved by cutting the tendon at its bony interface, and fixing this with pins and wire into a new straighter location on the tibia.

    Home Care and Prevention

    Following surgery many small cats are sent home with the leg in a soft padded bandage. This should be kept clean and dry at all times and the toes at the bottom of the bandage checked twice daily for swelling and/or pain.

    Most animals require exercise restriction for the first four to six weeks following surgery. The bandage and stitches are removed at 10 to 14 days. Passive flexion and extension of the knee can be helpful to reduce joint stiffness.

    Congenital luxation is commonly a bilateral problem, that is it affects both hind legs, though not necessarily to the same degree. To prevent traumatic MPL, keep your cat indoors.

    Patellar luxation is usually hereditary, and it can lead to arthritis if left untreated. I read on PetCareRx that the most effective way to deal with this problem in cats is surgery. If your kitty has developed luxating patellas, make sure you consult your vet right away. The sooner the surgery happens, the better the prognosis.

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