    What is the most endangered animal in the world?

    a group of animals

    +2  Views: 718 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    The most critically endangered species on our list of the ten most critically endangered animals is the ivory-billed woodpecker, which lives—or lived—in the Southeastern part of the US as well as Cuba. This huge woodpecker was considered extinct until 2004, when a handful of tantalizing reports of sightings in Arkansas and Florida began to trickle in. However, definitive proof for the ivory-bill’s continued existence has remained elusive, and if a population does exist, it is likely to be tiny and extremely vulnerable. The ivory-billed woodpecker owes its near- or complete extinction to habitat loss (logging) as well as over-exploitation by humans, who hunted it for its feathers.

    Another possible candidate is the Thylacine or Tasmanian wolf, a large carnivorous marsupial.

    The last one died in captivity in 1933, but sightings are reported from time to time.

    The next one in the slaughter house


    The Scottish"Haggis" has only three legs, its nearly extinct. Hunted every year .Its coat gives it away. Sort of "Tartan" .Quite like the "Kilt". It is killed on the 25 JAN.Celebration of the life ,and Poetry of Poet ROBERT BURNS."OH it is stuffed in a Pigs "Stomach"well worth waiting on to "eat" Also made with Oats and Turnip.With a WEE Dram of "Whiskey""Question is that the Truth?


    The haggis I know has 4 legs but they are shorter on one side so it can run round hills without falling over.

    NO! nomdeplume". that is the Scottish "Hare""OH it has five legs one in the middle "Thats for combat duty with the "Rabbit" .Giving the saying "WHATS UP "DOC"( your pregnant again )So you have being taught Scottish history .Hope you feel sorry the wee "Haggis".Four legs "Indeed" lol

    Humans! We are killing each other off every day.

    one that we even don't know if ever existed

    Honest caring human beings they are very extinct.

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