    how do I report nursing home abuse

     nursing home abuse

    +2  Views: 978 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Contact the administrator, the police, relatives and caregivers, nurses, until someone listens.  This is a serious matter and should be dealt with immediately!  Do not delay!

    Angel Linda

    Administrator and nurses are the caregivers who did not do their jobs. Do not feed her. She doesn't get therapy or exercise.
    Angel Linda

    Administrator and nurses are the caregivers who did not do their jobs. There also is a Court appointed POA/Guardenship for our Mother because she never made a will or appointed a POA for her person or cash or house, paid off.....
    Angel Linda

    The nursing home claimed her to be incompotent. I have a business card for a phychotherpst which I found in her drawer by herbedside.
    AM I ALOUD to call him?????
    Angel Linda

    WHO am I allowed to talk to about this since their is a COURT appointed POA (power of attorney)for her???
    I AM so tired of hearing we cannot talk to you there is a POA for your Mother....!!!!!!
    Angel Linda

    Administrator and nurses are the caregivers who did not do their jobs.

    Contact an attorney. You obviously have some legal issues here. Their first consultation is usually free but check first. Good luck.
    Angel Linda

    thank you to everyone for your help...hugs

    Do something quick, make a vidio film or take some pictures, go armed with proof.

    Your States Attorney General can give you information who to contact.Also your State Department of Adult Protective services. You can find out about theire resources at the "Federal National Council on Aging" website.

    Ducument everthing and keep records of everything pertaining to the case.It is very vidal.

    1} The basis of your accusation{visible signs of Nursing Home abuse, incl. Photos if possibl

    2}The date you began to suspect abuse or neglect

    3}Who spoke with you at the Nursing home and when

    4} Any response given

    5} Any action taken  by management.

    You need to have this information prior to calling your state agency.

    Hope this helps.

    Angel Linda

    Thank you so-o-o-o much for your answer.

    call 911. Any kind of abuse makes me angry.


    thanks ducky. The police will get anybody`s attention.

    Doctors orders have to be followed by all staff members of a facility. The charge nurse, CNA's and any PT's always have to document what they do and what has not been done and why. Documentaion is what allows medical personel to either keep thier license. Anyone who acts in a responsible manner will always have proper documentaion and the ones that don't will go before a board and loose  thier license. You don't have POA, it seems the State does, but I'm sure they would be interested in knowing about any abuse that comes to thier attention, as all cases of abuse need to be investigated. Be pro-active for your Mom, even though you are not POA. Possibly, you can interview a lawyer to see if you can change the status of that situation. My thoughts and prayers for your Mom and for the good care she deserves.

    Call your states Attorney Generals office, WBMS

    The toll free number is listed in the blue pages of your telephone book.

    Report it to the state, then report it to  " Citizens for Better Care ''  I know there's a lot of abuse and neglect  b/c I worked in nursing homes as an LPN for a long time. And I saw it from the other side of the fence too, as a family member----when my mom was in one. Unfortuneately, she never made it out of there alive. She's in heaven now.


    It must be awful, working in those facilities. I've seen the neglect and heard many accounts of same.

    They will listen loud and clear if their accreditation or their Medicare money is threatened.

    What type of lawyer do I need?


    A Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer. There is a lot of information on the Net how to find a good lawyer.

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