    I have watched all the debates I have listened to the candidates to the point of throwing up. In all the rhetoric I have not heard one word about the nation of iraq making any payments to the US for any expenses we have incurred to free "our friend" We now have thousands of dead Americans, we now have tens of thousands wounded and disabled. All the expenses of this war to free our "friend" should be paid by Iraq. Our wounded should have all their medical requirements paid by Iraq. Iraq owe

    +4  Views: 507 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    I dont agree with that. What right did the US have to send our military in a death camp?All that rethoric about weapons of mass destruction was nothing more than to secure the right to theire Oil. As I understand it, the attack on Iraq was planned way before 911.Why schould Iraq pay us for destroying theire country, killing and crippling thousands of theire people? Our government is responsible for the death of our military annd responsible to take care of the wounded.Iraq did not attack the US. The US attacked Iraq without provocation.

    Headless Man

    How much of there oil did we get Ann....

    Iraq signed long term contracts with Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell, BP.,,Total of France and others to develop a dozen gigantic oil fields in southern Iraq. Iraq is currently producing 3 million barrels a day And I am sure some of the oil is beeing shipped to the USA.

    Right on the money.

    I agree send the money,or they could trade off the deficeit with oil..

    I cannot remember Iraq asking anybody to go there  American  or british


    British has a capital B, otherwise you are correct.
    ed shank

    The nerve.

    Those that oposed the war were oposed to it because they were saying/thinking the motive was oil. Now you expect to get back the money?


    The least they could do would be sale us oil at a reduced price.

    No matter what you think of the war, we did free them of a dictator and give them a chance to be free.

    Get serious. They ought to liquidate all of the Bush family assets along with that arrogant puppet-master Dick Cheney. Now that would be "justice".

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