    (Scotland) Can the MoD clean up Dalgety Bay in time?

    +1  Views: 1055 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    The MoD can,t do anything on time, I live 10 miles from Dalgety Bay and I won,t be going near that beach again.


    That's terrible. Is there a good alternative?

    Oh ye, there,s plenty of lovely wee bays and beaches all along the coast of Fife, St Andrews(the home of golf) is only 20mls away.

    What does your question mean???


    Scots in the area will glow before they have a drop of the good stuff as well as after.

    Brown steps up pressure on MoD to clean up Dalgety Bay

    Sepa confirms more contamination has been found in woodland at the site of a former military base.

    Former prime minister Gordon Brown has made a fresh call for the Ministry of Defence to clean up a polluted Fife beach after more contamination was found.

    The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (Sepa) confirmed that more contamination had been found in Crow Hill Wood, near the shore at Dalgety Bay.

    The material is believed to be part of the radioactive legacy from the military base which was used to dismantle aircraft used in the Second World War.

    Mr Brown said the Ministry of Defence needed to take responsibility for the area and take action to clean up the contamination.

    Sepa said the contamination posed no risk to public health because it is buried underground. However, the agency has set a deadline of March 31 for the MoD to clean up the site, otherwise it will be officially classed as contaminated.

    Mr Brown, who is MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, said: "It means it's all the more urgent that before anything gets worse, the Ministry of Defence are prepared to act.

    "So my call today is for urgency in the Ministry of Defence that they accept their responsibilities and take the action that is necessary, and do so before March 31."


    Thanks for the additional info. Now I know what the question means. Well, not really. Now, I know that I cannot answer it! LOL

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