    can you have a legal separation norterized or does it have to go through the courts

    0  Views: 979 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    I do not think a Notary would get involved.  If you and your spouse have agreed on all division of money & property you can do one of two things: 1) wait until you can get divorced in your State (some require you to file divorce papers prior to the dicvorce-sometimes up to a year in advance) OR 2) go to a mediator with a type written divorce agreement which specifies the division of property and $ where you & your spouse will tell the mediator you are both in agreement & sign it. (if you think your spouse amy ask for more later then sealing "the deal" with a mediator now is a good idea.  You will have to pay the mediator.  But please note:  without a signed deal you or your spouse can change your minds on a whim before the divorce is finalized.  With a signed agreement you/your spouse has to show real and compelling reasons to back out of the signed agreement. e.g. one of you wins the power bowl or one of you discovers that, while you were married, the other did not tell the other how much money they had socked away in an offshore account.  In my state any large amt. of money or expensive property purchased during the separation can be come a true and compelling reason for the courts to "dis-qualify" the agreement.  Good luck & I'm happy that (at least from your question) this will be fairly simple.  Trust me it sucks when it is not!

    Each state is different 

    I am a notary and I really don't think I have ever notarized any such stupid document.

    can you have a legal separation norterized or does it have to go through the courts

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