    Need Help Choosing a Name!

    Hello Community, 

    I am in the process of building an elderly boarding home. It houses twelve people. Ten basic rooms and two suites.  I need  name suggestions for my new business. Or any suggestions that you would like to add to make this home a pleasant place to live for one who is elderly and not quite to the point of a nursing home.


    Thank you all

    +8  Views: 1006 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago
    Headless Man

    Sorry, shaykarkev11 but I had some fun with your question, I couldn't come up with a good answer.

    21 Answers

    Almost Gone.     (I know, I know, I deserve to be run over by a truck!!!)     LOL

    Home away from Home

    Rest Easy

    The Palms.....(You could plant a couple of palm trees out the front)



    The Meadows.

    Easy Rest...........

    Open mine Home

    Fun Time Home

    Living at Home With Friends

    Hiatus Place

    Harmony Hall


    Will there be a band and dances?

    and flowing drinks and a little "hubba hubba" as some retain their sex drive until death!

    "Gods` Waiting room"

    "From Here to Eternity"

    Elysium means "resting place of the blessed"

    My first two were tongue in cheek.

    Easy Living

    Thanks everyone:) I will consider them all. 


    Nothing took your fancy ?

    Heck, nothing took my fancy

    Happy Acres Resort...

    Your House and my House

    The old people with young hearts home,

    Over the hill and in the valley,

    Old and forgotten,

    Not quite dead yet,

    Alone and going home,

    I know, but I'm getting old and I like these..........because there true.

    Twelve Oaks.... Serenity Place.... 

    NOT  SHADY PINES!!!  Anything but that. LOL

    Serenity House, Golden Years, Safe Haven ,Longview,

    Not yet but I really appreciate the suggestions! 

    Mi Casa,es tu Casa.  My house is your house.

    What are some of the features, how it's decorated, the area that the home is located. Is it in the mountains, near a river, are there oak tree's around it. What thought do you personally want to convey to someone who is considering moving in or staying there?

    I personally would want to convey your feelings or intentions of the house and possibly include some of the local environment around the home. If there is a certain type of flower, tree or landscape? Hope this helps.

    My home is yours

    Some really great suggestions here, thumbs up yall. Just don't use the words crack or project in the name and you'll do just fine.

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