    U.S military, Who sevred

    With the recent ramification's concerning the U.S. military I would like to ask among our member who severed? and what did you do? Some people seem to think that with as little as 3 months training you should be perfect. I was in an infantry unit and yes your "trained that way"  But the reality is even years and years of training cannot prepare you for actual combat. Your not being prepared for a desk job, warehouse job ect, your being prepared to go into combat. I was never in combat, but my drill Sargent served two tours in Vietnam  as a green beret. I really think he was the one of the better DI"s because of this, He was the first to tell us there's  nothing he can do the prepare us for that moment. Train us yes.. theres a big difference between being shot at with blanks and live ammo. So what did ya'll do????

    +1  Views: 341 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    My dad was born in 1914, and served in WWII.   He was in charge of a motor pool in Africa. 


    Hey my dad served in N Africa too, He was in the 403rd I think, He went into Sicily then to Italy.

    Dad passed away in 2001, but I'll try to find out if there is a connection!

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