    Romney keeps giving the rich, meaning himself tax breaks. This country will have no middle class, only the poor. Then I see you say no one is looking for a job. I just want to know one thing. Who is going to do the labor when all that is left is the rich and poor. and I don't understand how Romney and Republicans can attack medical = Social Security. most of us that worked hard labor and can't do no more work? I have worked 40 years and now on disability. If you take my S.S AND MEDICARE WHAT DO

    Romney keeps giving the rich, meaning himself tax breaks. This country will have no middle class, only the poor. Then I see you say no one is looking for a job. I just want to know one thing. Who is going to do the labor when all that is left is the rich and poor. and I don't understand how Romney and Republicans can attack medical = Social Security. most of us that worked hard labor and can't do no more work? I have worked 40 years and now on disability. If you take my S.S AND MEDICARE WHAT DO I DO ? WHO WOULD HIRE ME now I know I'm voting for President Obama

    +1  Views: 664 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    Vote for Ron Paul. He's running second at the moment. If everyone gives him a boost, he'll win!

    8 Answers

    Do not vote Obama, he is doing the same that you are complaining about with Romney. Vote Ron Paul if you want a good change that will help the people and not hurt them like Obama has done and like Romney would do. 

    Obama's healthcare reform is designed to kill off the elderly, the terminally ill and the handicapped who can not work so they can not keep taking from S.S. 

    You are entitelt to your opinion. I cant see how our country can survive another term of Obama. He has added more  money to the national debt in 3 years, than Bush did in eight years.

    arnold- i make it a practice to "watch political convo.'s" not chime in....but the one's who have chimed in over the past month are far and away planning on voting republican...right now anyway.  One comment about Romney- he strapped his dog to the roof of his car..that's right, his dog- not his luggages- for a family vacation in Canada.  Doolittle was both despondent for that poor dog and crazy angry that he got away with it!  So, ok, an actual political comment:  He's not got good judgement!!!!!

    Practically anyone could do a better job than Obama for the American people. You could strap a chimpanzee to a chair and give him multiple choice questions and his decisions would be better than the ones obama has made...

    Don't know but it sounds like our country run by the rich for the rich and they seem to get greedier  and greedier by the second not a regard for anyone other than theirselves robbing us and the country blind .

    ed shank

    Greed is what made this country what it is. Greed is good, if it weren't for the greedy power brokers you and I wouldn't have had jobs. Do you really care if the CEO of GM makes a zillion dollars? He's giving you a job so you can pay your light bill. What are your options? None.

    Ron Paul's foreign policy is totally insane. No way should this man be elected. Iran should be allowed to build a bomb. They want to take Israel off the map and we will be next. Insanity, pure insanity.  Cut back on military spending, crazy. Bring every soldier home from the unstable countries that we alone can keep a lid on. Insane thinking.


    Obama just cut the military, guess Ron does not have to worry about that now. As for his foreign policy, I agree with him. Those countries have been at war with each other for centuries. Let them fight it out and get it settled. I seriously doubt Iran will blow Israel off the face of the earth. There's no way Iran can one up us with a nuclear bomb. I'm not worried about that either. That's just propaganda fear talking. We need to stay out of other countries affairs and take care of the USA for at least 4 years since every president before has forgotten about this country and it's people because they were so concerned with foreign lands. We are not the world police and we need to stop spending money and American lives on other countries wars and squabbles. Enough is enough. Iran is no threat to us. Ron Paul is all about concentrating on this country and we the people. It's about time we had that kind of president.
    ed shank

    I respect your opinion however misguided it is. Iran, no threat? Dirty bombs, biggest supporters of terrorism, 911. Isolationism will not work in today's world. I'd rather have the socialist remain in office.

    Misguided? No, not at all. Clear thinking because I do not listen to the fear propaganda that is out there to try an propel the idiot Romney into office. Iran would not attempt to take out the US. They know we have the weapons they are still trying to invent. You don't think we have the same weapons they have now only on a bigger scale? Of course we do. Bigger, better, badder. We have dirty bombs too, don't believe that we do not. 911 was not what you want to believe it was. Do not trust your own government people so much. It was not al-Qaeda. I'd rather lose the socialism. I do not want to support lazy azzes anymore.
    ed shank

    I don't buy into our government taking out the twin towers for a second, so that has and will continue to fall on deaf ears with the exception of a small minority of paranoid people. I'm not a Romney fan either. Your thinking is that of someone with compassion and the will to continue to live, these people (Iranians) will die for a misguided cause. They have the means, money and hatred to take out anyone they see fit.

    Sorry, you can not flip the paranoid table on me. The minority are always the ones awake while the rest sleep. The truth of 911 will come out eventually. If it weren't for us of the "minority", the rest of you would be in deeper doo-doo than you are now. It's the "minority" the ones actively involved (since most Americans really don't care to know, they just want to blindly believe) that keep this government some what chained from taking us over completely. I'm in touch with my elected officials. I e-mail them at will and receive personal messages back. I'm a lot more in touch than you care to believe I am.

    "(Iranians) will die for a misguided cause"
    Only the fanatics and they are a fraction. Most Iranians do not feel this way. You people who hate Iran and fear them should get to know the people more. As long as the US keeps the sanctions on them banning the importation of oil and the European Union agrees to a second sanction they will lose money. We can hurt them that way. There's more ways than war to get rebel countries under control.
    ed shank

    Your comments are interesting reading. They are also very scary, reminding me that there are others out there with the same mind set.

    Be thankful we are. Watch and see what happens. I won't even say I told you so.

    I may be a wing nut... But I can say I agree with there seems to be an agenda that is taking power and freedoms away from the people.

    US presence and Quest for Oil in the Middle East has always been a disaster for american interests.US involvement in the middle east has a long, disturbing history.
    ed shank

    @ ANN. I agree with your comment on the involvement in the Mideast, but the truth of the matter is that this country runs on oil. Our oil and the oil of others. Past and present administrations have failed to take action to explore our resources. The proposed Canadian pipeline is a perfect example. No oil, no economy, no country as we know it.

    You need to get your informantion from somewhere other the the DNC and

    The rich are the folks that pay most of the taxes to the US Treasury, over 50%.

    I never had a job working for the poor person, have you?


    Hey arnold, if you believe all that hogwash you just sputed out, i have some property to sell you on the moon. I know your kind, you are weak and know it. You dont like people making fun of you because your opinions are different and weak . You feel weak and the opinions you have formed in life are different from most except the people that have the same values of you bother you. They should. You dont like being around violent, uncultured people that cant make good decisions in life. Break away from those feelings and get away from the dark side. Life is better as a conservative . Independence, a sense of accomplishment, good friends,and personal responsibility. Everybody is born a democrat, only the gifted and talented overcome it. I wish you well.

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