    Why is the sky (when clear) blue?

    +2  Views: 642 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Xeon gas in the F-10 layer of the atmosphere ( above 100,000 feet in elevation) is ionized by solar energy and emits blue light . This is why the night sky is clear and enables us to see distant stars at night. The emission of blue light also prolongs the period of apparent daylight so that we do not have a sudden shift from daylight to darkness as on the moon. This gradual progression of dark to light softens this shift and since it has been happening since the dawn of life on our world, we are, and all life forms here have become adapted to and in many cases are dependent upon this transitional phase. The day light sky on the moon appears predominately black and stars are visible unlike our sky here. On the moon, our sun’s measurable intensity is significantly higher than on Earth. The temperature on the moon in sunlight is above 200 F . Our atmosphere makes life on earth possible.



    Thank you for a well written answer.

    I shall dub you Prof. robert!

    But we already have Professor Umbriel...Two professors on staff?

    Molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than red light, so to the human eye the clear sky is blue.

    Yeah, yeah, what ROMOS said.   (yawn)

    Why is this such a popular question? I don't get it. I learned about this in school years ago. Don't they teach this in school anymore? 

    molecules in the air scatter light and make the sky look blue and this is coming from a fifth grader!!!



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