    Kada se Braca devetneste vrn'o, s dalekog fronta 'di soldat je bivo, pric'o nam kako ga trefilo zrno, pa zavrt'o rukav i to pokaziv'o. A mi, a mi smo bili derani. Pric'o nam Braca o mirisu mora i o patroli od koje je bez'o, pa kako je opsov'o nekog majora i zbog tog posle na robiji lez'o. A mi, a mi smo bili derani. A mi, mi smo bili derani. Pri'o nam kako je pres'o Karpate, zujali meci k'o rojevi pcela. Rek'o je: "Rat vam je krvav, da znate, al' nije mi zao n

    translet song from Bosnien to English

    0  Views: 1117 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: song

    1 Answer

    This is the best I could do: Kada is devetneste vrn'o Brac, with dalekog Front 'di bivo Soldat is, how do we pric'o Club grain, but zavrt'o Reload this pokaziv'o sleeve. But we, but we were derani. Pric'o mirisu us on the Brac io patrol from the bez'o Koje, but how is someone opsov'o Majora i god robes on Robi lez'o business. But we, but we were derani. But we, we were derani. Pri'o us how pres'o Carpathians, like the bullets zujali bee swarms. Rek'o is: "You bloody Rat that you know, al 'Britain ZAO I n


    Is not not translateted

    That's all the translator could come up with. But you could do a google search using those words.

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