    if a husband is cheating his wife what should be done

    +2  Views: 650 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    You start heading straight to the divorce courts,no ifs or buts.

    She should file for divorce and sue for alimony. There is no excuse for cheating. 

    (I'm assuming you meant cheat on his wife)

    If you are "the husband" should be ashamed of yourself.

    If you are "the wife" should say goodbye and good luck.

    The latest studies prove that marriage is the leading cause of divorce..


    I just call em as i see it don...

    LOL!!!!! It may be the only cause for divorce

    daren1, now, who would of ever though of that, lol.

    " Why did the two of you get married in the first place, (Marriage) is a sacred contract."


    PANDA, sadly marrage is sacred to some people. But some times, to others the grass appears greener on other side, hence so many divorces, there can be many reasons for this.

    Confrontation is good for personal satisfaction, then leave quietly. No drama, no begging, not promises, no bargaining, just leave and swallow the lose. You've get over it.............

    This is one of the biggest cans of worms in the whole world.  It looks the same on the outside, but the stuff underneath is unique because no two people, and certainly no two couples, are alike. 
    I would suggest, if you are the wife, you seek counseling.  Talking with a "disinterested" third party can be helpful in seeing things from an objective view.   The counselor can be a church leader or someone with a shingle hanging outside an office.
    If you are the husband, either drop the girlfriend or leave your marriage.  It is unconscionable to continue using and hurting people, especially ones you "love".   
    It just crossed my mind that the husband may be soliciting prostitutes......there's another can of worms.   

    " I've been hav-in (SEX) since I was 13,years of age and I've always held  (sex) sacred ! & dear to my heart! not to mention other areas down south, if-in you catch my mean-in ? " ;)


    PANDA: A bit too young in my opinion. Unless you mean "by yourself". hehe. I didn't have permanent employment at 13 myself. No 13 year old really knows what they're doing. For that matter ... at 13 ... I thought sex was just a missspelled word.

    We'd have many less problems as a country if people waited til they were 30.

    It is nothing to do with anyone only the individuals concerned ,anyone not in their marriage or marriages or that is not the bit on the side be it man or woman should mind their own business and keep their opinions to themselves and their mouths shut .


    Whoa, easy there Dunc, shekhar asked the question. Perhaps this time you should have kept your opinion to yourself? This comment of yours is completely uncalled for.

    Why, If a husband is cheating his wife what should be done . It isn't really anything to do with Shekhar is it unless he or she is one of the two parties or the person the husband is cheating with . People who tell people about their spouses cheating generally do it for their own selfish reasons and not for the good of the married couple and if she or he is the cheating spouse or the 3rd party cheat then he/she should know that he as a husband shouldn't be cheating on his wife and if shekhar is the woman the husband is cheating with then she should know that she shouldn't be coverting someone elses spouse as they haven't said what their sex or involvement is with the couple

    A question was asked that could only be answered through opinion. Opinions were given based on how each person would deal with a cheating spouse. Telling people to mind their own business and keep their mouths shut when a question is asked, is not what akaQA is about. It does not matter the parties involved, they will do what they will do regardless of the opinions posted here.

    It's my opinion that unless Shekhar is directly involved in the relationship being either one of the two spouses then he/she should keep his or her mouth shut and not inform either of the two spouses about the cheating as it does not concern him /her the marriage of the two spouses is their concern only and anything which happens within their relationship is for them and only them to deal with . If he/she is the 3rd party then they shouldn't be and i did not tell them directly to shut their mouths I was and am giving my opinion a bout what they should do with their knowledge regarding the individuals concerned . Perhaps it is you who is so opinionated and not I

    WOW, I've never seen you so adamant about something, dunc. I agree that people shouldn't be shoving their opinions at any of the parties, but this person has asked for them. You're right, not knowing how Shekhar fits into the equation could make a difference. He/she could be one of the players, or someone in the office or down the street who knows what's going on and doesn't know what to do about it....if this is the case, I would possibly agree that he/she should stay out of it.

    Opinions are allowed as long as they are not hurtful. Telling people to shut their mouths borders on hurtful. Opposite of your argument, shekhar may be the one who is being cheated on. She/he asked for opinions. I doubt she/he was looking for rudeness. Be nice please.

    There is an old saying "The hurt dog hollers the loudest" sounds like something hitting to close to home here. The question was put on the forum for an answer and/or opinions. If they had wanted no opinions and/or answers should not have asked for them. Feeling guilty dunc??????

    No I'm not feeling guilty . I've only told Him/her to keep their mouths shut if they are looking in from the outside of someone elses marriage/relationship. It's for the people within the relationship to sort their problems out and not for anyone else to inform them of any infidelity on either partners part. People who interfere within other peoples relationships do so normally as they have their own agendas / interests at heart . if the person who has typed in is one of the injured parties then they know what they need to do within their own heart

    The rhino I know thinks there is something amiss in this relationship- which, apparently, is why rhinos don"t wed.   The swans I spoke too believe this IS NOT a good thing (and they mate for life).  Alas, it is a sad situation.  Divorce is the course my CHEATER and I took- please note I stayed with the jerk for over a year- hoping that we could resolve things- However, it did not work.  It is a much stranger story but I care not to share other details.


    Sorry, for the are tough.

    thank Ben!

    This is a tough one.  There is no magic bullet that works every time to cure the situation and live happily ever after.  From talking with many people I could write a very lengthy list as to why a spouse cheats.  My wife and I conducted a divorce recovery group  for several years.  We heard reasoning from both sides on the issues which become the rationalized excuse for cheating.  There is no single answer.    If the relationship ends the best revenge is to have a good life afterwards.  Many people I have known found divorce  to be, eventually, an opporunity for a dramatic personal growth.  I've known others to stagnate, compounding hatred, and remain unloveable and miserable for 20 years.  Really doesn't have to be that way though. 

    Daddy said, "If it don't kill ya' it kin  make ya stronger" 

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