    Any thoughts on 2012?

    Every year, I start out with good intentions, no resolutions, but a strong desire to be a gentler, kinder, more productive, better friend, fall in love and get married person.  I will start again with optimism and good intentions.  And you???

    +5  Views: 843 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    Bob love the new avitar xx

    Thank you melandrupert! welcome back. I hope your vacation was just that!

    to you look like a younger Barbara Streisand!

    Got the nose, but absolutely horrible singer!

    11 Answers

    I just want to be meaner and leaner.  I think the "leaner" part will be the most difficult of the two. lol


    You don't have a mean bone in your body, Ducky! (I'm working on leaner, too.)

    I try to keep it (mean) hidden. :)

    I've had some fun last year but can't think of one worthwhile thing I accomplishment. Hope to change that this year.

    Good luck to you Bob.....


    Your faith has had an impression on me, Randy Palmer. A positive effect.
    Headless Man

    I gave away more this year than I have in a long time and God has blessed me every time.
    However I feel I need to do more....

    I just hope and pray that the coming year 2012 is better for us all.  I have had enough of being in this pit I keep falling into 


    Maybe we can help each other figure a way out of there. I seem to be in a pit as well.

    I certainly hope so.

    Exercise, exercise, exercise!!!!!

    Outside, outside, outside!!!!!!

    Ducky, it's COLD ! out there.....

    Same poop different depth . Have a wonderfully happy one, healthy and prosperous . Look after yourself and your family . Good Luck .


    Happy, healthy and prosperous are good thoughts for every day!

    haven't seen you for awhile, Dunc

    New years day is just tomorrow from Dec 31st. I never understood why people believe things will suddenly get better just because a year changes. Everyday of our lives we have a tomorrow to make things better until we die. Why not use them all instead of waiting ti Jan 1 to decide to make a list of of Do's? 


    Don,t be such a fuddy duddy,enjoy every day as if it,s your last,like I do,but it,s still nice to celebrate a bit of tradition,SPEND IT WITH ME MY LADY C,SPEND IT WITH ME...R.

    People use the day to get drunk. Great way to start their "new year". Anyway, I'm not being a fuddy duddy. It's still just another tomorrow. If I were to be spending my days like each one was a last day, I'd be out giving my money away. Now that would be silly. What would take care of tomorrow if I were to do that? Certainly not a year change.

    Every day IS a new beginning, and I do start out with good intentions. It may be that a new year, or a new month seems more like starting fresh than Wednesday.

    As long as it works for you.

    To me is just same, same.

    its just another day same as Christmas really but with family commitments at the moment we are living day by day so not planning anything I would like to get back to the gym soon


    My hope is that 2012 brings you peace of mind and a return to some semblance of normality. It's hard when family hurts.

    Bob/PKB thanks for those kind words its so hard one day Im at home the day Im on the road I keep thinking I am going to crack soon but I wont as you say Bob normality is what I need soon I hope oxox

    Full of questions today P, o - Cachedne answer here>>

    Life needs something  pleasant or satisfying to look forward to.  Without it you live in the moment.  Whatever is happening NOW is your whole life, and looking back at sad times is unhealthy.


    Well-said. Thank you.

    I for one do none of those things but I do not delude myself into thinking that one day out of the year is filled with some kind of magic that is going to make everything all better. I like to look ahead, always trying to see "around the corner" but I do not believe in thinking that a new year is going to wipe the slate clean and make life better than it's ever been. Everyday I look forward to waking up again. That's good enough :)

    I'm with colleen on this one. No special day needed to get your butt in gear. Several weeks ago I finally stopped my self imposed BS and decided to make major changes in my life. It's a slow process but I am making headway. Tomorrow never comes, do it today, do it now.


    Good for you Ed! I don't believe we need a Valentines day either. I like showing and expressing my love to my partner everyday, not just one day out of the year ;)
    I boycott marketing as much as possible :)
    ed shank

    I treat my sweetie pie like Feb. 14th every day. I know she would agree with me on that. She pats me on the head a few times a week, I think she likes me still.

    Awww, sounds like a good love between you too... cute that she pats you, lol
    ed shank

    She's my heart.

    Well i hope the world don't what i do hope for is that i find a job, as well as good health, and happiness to all my aka buddies as well as the entire earth, as well as salvation for all..


    Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, and yep. Good stuff, daren1. Happy New Year, and much happiness and good blessings to you and yours. You are loved. Bob/PKB

    Well salvation is covered already. All Souls are saved through God's infinite love the second they are created. Further salvation is not necessary.
    Best of luck in your job hunt.

    Thanks to both of you colleen and bobby best wishes to you both on the up coming new year, it's hard to believe how quickly a year goes by..,

    The world isn't going to end,until our Lord, Jesus Christ decides it's going to end.Trust Him ; When it does end, you'll know the timing makes perfect sense

    Only thoughts .Are the same as the last thirty years to stay healthy happy ,with my love ones my "Wife and "Son.


    Can't think of much that would make a better year. Here's to a happy, healthy, successful, love-filled 2012, dowsa. You are loved. Bob/PKB

    Thanks Bob A "Happy new year to you .Wish you health lots of love.

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