    I've never logged out of Q&A, but I had to sign back in and couldn't after 19,000+ Karma. I couldn't get back in as I don't remember what..

    I couldn't use"Clonge", my user name, because I don't remember which email address I used signing up so I can't retrieve my password. I DO however, know my long user ID no in this system. How can I get back in? Perhaps an administrator can help me. I'm desperate. Thank you.

    0  Views: 370 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Have you changed your internet browser?

    Fave you tried to log onto the other account again? Sometimes you can get past the glitch that says it doesn't recognized the password. 

    Keep trying or send to the admin for a link to change your password. Sometimes the app does that and I don't think anyone knows why. Fish girl goes through it all the time. You used a gmail account if that helps. 

    Deleted User

    I clicked on "Contact" at the bottom of the page and wrote what happened. I was able to go into my "Firefox" history, and cite the long ID that it shows from my usage here (so you know it's me, because I don't think anyone else can get it besides an Administrator.)I make a lot of people laugh here, so it's to their benefit as well that I get re-established (lol). Thanks

    They will send you a link to your gmail address to change your password with.

    No change.

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