    what will you do if someone whom you helped to get back in his feet ,turns and stab you in the back

    +6  Views: 785 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    Try to take the "high road" and just be myself.    Circle the wagons and keep that person at arm's length from now on.  Cordial but cool.  Hello/Goodbye, nothing in between.

    ed shank

    Betrayal is something I have never been able to forgive. You may as well have died. Never will a word be spoken between us.
    ed shank

    Betrayal is something I have never been able to forgive. You may as well have died. Never will a word be spoken between us.
    ed shank

    Betrayal is something I have never been able to forgive. You may as well have died. Never will a word be spoken between us.

    It is not as difficult for me to let it go as it is for me to hold the grudge. Having walked the earth angry about something since childhood, indifference rules me when it comes to this kind of stuff. It's really hard to be neutral if that person's name comes up in conversation... I wish I had more backbone, like you. No one wonders where you are coming from!

    I have had that happen many times, so in saying that I know it hurts and it is hard to forget, I just try to get the toxic people of that sort out of my life and let them be knowing that I learned another lesson the hard way but I am hopeless I will always try to help others if I can and if they will let me.


    That isn't hopeless. It is kind & it is right.

    Hey doolittle I think I guessed the movie is it We Bought A Zoo??

    I want to see that one too.

    And thanks for your kindness.

    Remember the wheel of life   What goes round comes round


    I think thats true,certainly hope it is

    Forget about them, not worth the time or thought, selfish b*****d,forget!

    Find some new friends.

    Unless you have to, don't deal with him/her, don't see him/her, don't stop helping others in need  if you can.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold. Getting revenge on somebody like this situation actually releases brain chemicals - hormones that makes a feel of pleasure. It will make you feel in control.


    Revenge is truly really like drinking poison yourself and hoping the other person dies it serves no purpose but to hurt you in the long run of it all......

    excellent answer!

    revenge is not good zorro. It may feel good temporarily, but in the long run it only hurts you. I'm a firm believer in Karma.

    Has nothing to do with die or killing a person.Just making other person not want to try performing an unwise act or aggression against you. Example , when i worked for state of texas, i went for an job interview. The interview person who was my boss, he falsified my answers so i would not get the job. I seeked revenge against him by getting him fired for it. Yes it was sweet , and i felt really good ruining his life and his family life. Revenge is a defense mechanism. What happened after japanese attacked pearl harbor

    It just goes to show who the better person is(you).When this person falls again(which i'm sure he/she will) don't be there to pick up the pieces.

    Sometimes people are simply ungrateful for others' help.  It hurts- sometimes a lot! What I have learned to do ( the hard way) Is this- I pretend the person is a stranger that I will never see again and I give within my means (I am referring not only to $ but physically and emotionally too).  And I don't give it all at the same time.  Sometimes a person will try to push me to give them more ($, time, emotional energy) after I have given the a portion of what I could. When this happens it is a BIG RED FLAG! and then I reconsider whether I should give them the rest.

    Forget about them, if I can. People like that are not worth allowing them to change your outlook on life. There are many out there who appreciate help when it is needed, and for them we need to not let scumbags sour our view on life For, if someone were to stab someone in the back who helped them...they are truly quite the scumbag.

    Walk away and keep saying to your selve I helped and thats that !!!!!!!

    since you did not help in the hope of a reward, just feel sorry for ungrateful people and keep doing what you are doing - helping others. The fact that they got back on their feet is your best reward from within you.

    I am working on that one too. My tactic: Just forget it and go on with what I have to do. 

    Remove pain

    From my brain 

    Im with Zorro.Inclined to think f**** you...............and at a later time go back for revenge.You only screw me over once

    Steal his feet.

    (wanted to edit this on to my last comment but came unstuck!)What i also wanted to say was "ill also wait till you think ive forgotten about it"Funny enough,ive got someone in my sights at the moment...........(no one here incidentally)

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