    Why so you think the unemployment rate is nearly twice what it was five year ago when there a literally hundreds of thousands of jobs in the US going unfilled? Just a few examples of unfilled jobs in the US, IF you have a CDL, can weld, install electrical, computer, cable, or plumbing and fire suppression systems there are HUNDREDS of employers are looking for YOU or even someone they can TRAIN

    0  Views: 508 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Because unemployment checks are too high and you can apply for them for extended time now. People would rather collect than work. 


    you got that right..

    Sorry to disagree,I've been in the same field(Bindery machine operator in the printing industry)folders and saddle stitchers for 30 years and I'm now out of work and know nothing else at 57 years old and I can't find work anywhere,I would rather work than collect unemployment which is about to run out for me,I look for work every day,I would take any job even at a lower rate of pay than I'm getting on unemployment.

    My point Rick is there are jobs available for some people who are qualified for them but they are not applying for them because they are getting paid to not work. My mother listens to talk radio and people call in all the time saying they are now making about as much money not working as they did when they were working so why bother getting a job?
    Jack Large

    The was a time when one received unemployment benefits for, 90 days, now it is 99 WEEKS

    exactly, there lies in the problem for a lot of people. There is nothing pushing them to find a job right away.

    Just blowing off some steam Colleen,I know what you're saying,I just feel like I'm being left out in the cold in this new world.Plus I'm really scared right now,used to be you could walk in a place to see if they are hiring,but now they want you to do it all over the computer and I suck on this thing,I'm so old school it's not even funny.This will be the 1st Christmas where I won't be able to get my grandkids any thing and I know they still love me but I can't stop my heart from breaking...

    When I was young and unskilled I worked at two unskilled jobs to get enough money to to get an education. Unfortunately some jobs are going to become obsolete.

    The government is forcing many US Industries out of business, or off shore, with overbearing regulations.  The coal industry has been decimated and new regulations under Obama will make it worse for the coal and cement producers, costing the loss of thousand of job in our country, if new do not get him out of office in November.

     At one time if you were a Mailman or worked for a railroad or steel company, you had a job for life. The print media is going the way of a wagon maker in the electronic age, that is creating thousand of NEW types of jobs, requiring many new skills.

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