    Why is it the countries which caused most of the mayhem in the 20th century have been forgiven and why do they now dominate the worlds economies whilst their victors struggle

    +1  Views: 496 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    They may have been forgiven, but not forgotten. Germany and Japan already had an industrial base and a well-educated populace. These countries were led by egotistical maniacs whose actions led to those countries being laid to rubble. Rather than wage further physical wars, they embarked on campaigns of massive rebuilding and with their technological knowledge and innovation, waged economic warfare and thrived. It can also be argued that China caused a lot of mayhem, but with the deaths of Mao and Chou En Lai,  it became glorious to be rich, and with child labor and low wages, they became very competitive in world markets.. Chinese are big savers, which also helped fuel the economy, allowing banks to fund tremendous growth.. 


    Yes it's funny how the world is now doing business with the worlds largest communist country still in existence as they condemned and fought them for at least half of the 20th century and where have all the billionaire Russians come from the Vietnamese also manufacture lots of the worlds bicycles makes you wonder what all the fighting was for doesn't it these communist countries seem to be better at capitalism than the capitilists don't they . Germany and Japan are actually better off now economically than their victors they .ve conquered the world economically but they shouldn't have been allowed to

    When you're #2 you try harder and this is apparent...........



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    I grew up in Germany after World war II. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer came to power in 1949-1963. He formed the Christian Democratic Party and led Germany from the ruins of World War II to a powerful and prosperous nation.He formed close relations wth old enemies, France, USA and Israel. He achieved prosperity, democracy and respect. He was the oldest elected leader of the worlds history with intense workhabits and uncanny political instinct. He was alo a devout catholic. He wanted nothin to do with China or the Soviet Union, He dispised the communist countries.Germany also made Quality cars, Mercedes Benz, BMWs and Volkswagens. and therefore were very competitive in the world market, like Japan with Toyotas. The USA on the other hand is making practicially everthing in China. They closed 13 GM Plants in the US, while they have 15 Plants in China. GE. Has been dealing with China for the last 30 Years. China has become a more prosperous nation than the US,because of the US. Our own companies are selling us out. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have further depleted our economy and our monetary contribution to other countries have to stop, or we will become a third world war country very soon. Our leaders are at fault in everthing that has brought this country down. I just want to state Adenauers age when he was elected Chancellor. He was 73 years old and stepped down at the age of 87.

    Dunk would love to be able to answer this but I wouldnt know where to start I do like what Umbriel said though

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