    Liga mistrů - Liberecký obránce Gebre Selassie: Vzduchem létaly lahve, viděl jsem i židli Článek Liberecký obránce Gebre Selassie: Vzduchem létaly lahve, viděl jsem i židli© - 0 Líbilo se 21.08. - Z Rumunska se z vydařeného čtvrtečního úvodního utkání 4. předkola Evropské ligy vrátili zpět pod Ještěd fotbalisté Slovanu Liberec. Severočeši vedli krátce před koncem na stadionu tamního Dinama 2:0, v 88. minutě pak byl zápas kvůli výtržnostem fanoušků předčasně ukončen Liberečtí vstoup

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    Champions League - Liberec defender Gebre Selassie: Air bottles flew, I saw a chair Article Liberec defender Gebre Selassie: Air bottles flew, I saw a chair © - 0 Did 08.21 - In Romania, from Thursday's opening game vyda?eného fourth rounds of the European League returned under Jested footballers Slovan Liberec. North Bohemia lead shortly before the end of the stadium of the local Dinamo 2-0, in the 88th minute of the match was due to riots Liberec fans prematurely entered the game unexpectedly active, already in the 5th minute surprised surprised the Romanian head of rival George Fox. "We knew that if you crawled into the defense, get under pressure. Under him we eventually got, but it was at a later time. So it was planned that way we actively," he said on Friday in Liberec defender Theodor Gebre Selassie. Dinamo Liberec not engage in the first half into a more serious chance, while themselves may strike again, but canes vychytal Dolha. The coaches break Liberec players stressed that they must continue in active play. "At halftime we said the same thing before the game. Not to stop play, otherwise it gets Dinamo horse. That we are quite successful, even though we had a passage around the 60th minute, when we were under pressure, in the end we but managed to score a second goal and then it was already cool. Spectators them during the game did not help too much, so we played all the cards, "took pleasure Gebre Selassie. A team of Podješt?dí during the second half got under domestic pressure group. In a few minutes of the passage Dinamo created several promising opportunities, but none of them failed to follow through to a victorious end. "Do we pass deteriorated, they got to the pressure, you standardky, outdoors and also in such an environment it is always unpleasant," said quarterback Severo?ech? who had fears of the match. "We saw it on video. We thought it would be very hard, their frightening offensive. But as the match began, we found that with them can play football, and in the game, we calmed down," said Gebre Selassie. Conclusion match riots disrupted home fans, who in the 88th broke ground for a minute, the referee then Einwaller duel ended prematurely. "The incident resulted from the fact that the home failed. Audiences were dissatisfied and whistled to his players. Then there ran a fan and ripped corner flag. Odchytli Organizers him eventually. He then somehow hit his head into an advertising board, which was quite hear the this morning. It probably annoyed other fans who kicked inhibitions. He is debating whether to break ground and eventually it did. The referee ended the match. bottles flew there, I saw a chair. I would not say outright to us, even though in that moment you do not know, "described by Theodor Gebre Selassie conclusion. Liberec terrifying experience survived unscathed. "It was more directed to the domestic players and referees. Dinamo players of which were very unhappy. The fear we had. When the referee whistled, the first cab we just went and then it even better popobíhali. No one's hurt, but when we went in cabins and in the tunnel was such a half meter rent. Borek lived to see it in someone stepped on his head, "commented a young back guarantee. Liberec players after coming into the dressing rooms did not know whether it will continue to struggle, or will be terminated. "While we waited, we did not know if those still finish the five minutes. The original intention was that the match was interrupted for five minutes. But after the referee ruled that the match ends prematurely. Departure from the stadium it was fine. We guarantee the safety of the organizers . After the game, of course, was in our cabin big enough pleased with the result 0:2, we can be satisfied, "said Gebre Selassie.

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