    does cranberry juice prevent urinary tract infections

    +3  Views: 621 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    cranberry juice coats the bladder, it does help with the pain to some degree.  Drink large amounts of fluid, pee after sex, showers,and no bubble baths help too.


    Daisy, Where have you been? Missed you!

    Research and writing. I missed you all! I finished the novel, 654 pages. I am writing a second novel, a shorter one, I hope. Less research. I peeked in and answered a few questions, but not often enough. I enjoy this akaQA toooo much. Mostly the people. Thank you! It's nice to be missed.

    No, the excessive amount of fluids taken in will relieve some of the symptoms, but the infection will remain until the body takes care of it.  As a seasoned nurse, I have many does and do nots for my patients, especially if they are sexually active or take baths instead of showers, etc.

    Cranberry does help and lots of water as itsmee says cotton underwear and do not use soap down below I do think she should see a doctor as we are not Doctors on this site

    White cotton underwear is best. I read that Stanford University claims that Cranberry juice doesn’t help UTI’s.

    There’s a cheap cranberry juice you can buy at the grocery store that tastes good and is full of sugar. That kind for sure won’t help.  There’s another kind that you buy at the health food store - it’s really sour and is incredibly expensive. I sure wouldn’t buy it.  You will hear different opinions.

    Drink water. Drink up!

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