15 Answers
Have someone trip them in front of you???? Or do it like most, be yourself and give it time.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
You don't make girls fall for you. Women aren't all attracted to exactly the same looks or personalities. Like you've heard, CLEAN is good. HONEST is good. FRIENDLY without being TOUCHY is good. Not trying to be "COOL" is good. Keep an open mind about who is "good enough" for you.....you're not at the top of everyone's list, either. TIME is another factor.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
First take care of your personal appearance. Turn the cell phone off. Find out what her interest are, educate your self a little about them. Then invite her out to do something she is into. From horse back riding, to fishing. It doesn't matter. Listen to her, you don't have to do all the talking. Don't tell her everything about yourself on the first date. You need a little mystery. Do not take her to a bar, or the movies, that's old, and boring. Be inventive, it doesn't have to be expensive, just memorable.
Go to the museum, a walking tour of a historical city, go to a play, call the chamber of commerce and ask what is going on in your town/city for the month. Learn about your town and what it has to offer. There are some pretty cool things out there. Think outside the box! Be an adventure, not a couch potato! And for God sake, lay off the sports!
When your with her, be with her. Not your friends, or on the phone. You invited her out, now entertain her, show her what your about. There is a lot more to you than meets the eye.
Do not insult her with witty comebacks. This is not charming, it's stupid. American males have this problem. (Some)
Be honest, relax, smile and enjoy yourself. Your with someone you want to be with.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
There is a young guy that works at the pub, he isn't terribly good looking, but is laid back, nothing ruffles his feathers, he is always welcoming and kind, he has a quick wit and good sense of humor, and he honestly can't beat off the girls with a stick, without trying.You can't make anyone like you, they do or they don;t
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |