    A new study on obesity.....

    determined that 1 out of 3 people weighs as much as the other two combined. 
    Have you ever struggled with your weight (to maintain, gain or lose)?  Care to share?

    +4  Views: 739 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Nope, never had a weight problem in my life. No one in our family has ever had a weight problem. I have never dieted and I do not believe in dieting. If someone is overweight, they either eat too much,  eat the wrong foods or both. Eat in moderation, then you can eat what you like (within reason).


    It should be that easy, but sometimes there are underlying issues that mess with a person's metabolism. Thyroid malfunctions can cause a person to be very thin as well as heavy. I do agree with healthy choices and portions.

    Personally i could stand to lose about ten pounds, which isn't bad, but you can't miss obesity it's rather rampant here in boston especialy among the school kids, i blame the parent in part, as well as economics, it's much cheaper to feed kids junk food than a properly balanced diet, i saw on the news just recently where the state took a child from his parents for being morbidly obese , a bit harsh i agree, but it is child endagerment..


    Thank you, daren 1. It is alarming to see the children so grossly overweight at such young ages. You can't convince me by simple talk this is because of genetics or anything out of a parent's or person's control. PE used to be compulsory; now it's a bad joke in too many schools.
    I'd like to drop 10, too.

    In the late seventies, I was 178lbs. at 5 ft. 3 inches. 2 years later I was down to 125 lbs. and have flactuated between 125 lbs and even 98 lbs. ever since. I have never been on a diet..

    ed shank


    VERY impressive. One smart lady, without a doubt. How did you get to 178 and then to 125?

    It was when my husband passed and I suffered from depression.

    98 seems too thin- even if u have small bones.

    Girl you need some meat on them bones

    I don't think I have a weight problem. I do gain weight in the winter months due to having to limit my activities. I fluctuate between 190 to 215 LBS. It is difficult to loose. I'm only 6'-1" tall and you can see the additional weight. No circus mirrors in my house, they see it as it is.


    At your height, you could handle that weight if it weren't protruding from your midsection! Is that were your weight settles in for winter? A weight range of 25 pounds would definitely be noticeable! It helps being handsome, though, right?!
    ed shank

    The weight doesn't give me a gut. It is dispersed evenly. As far as handsome goes, that's in the eye of the beholder. Just an average looking old dude.

    I have never had a weight problem but my wife has had a loosing battle with it for years.

    Genetics has a lot to do with it as she does not over eat and eats healthier than I do.

    She is more active than me also, she still  subs as a teacher and I because of my legs can't walk much so a I get very little exercise.

    ed shank

    My wife's jeans have just recently gotten a bit tighter. Still hot though.
    Headless Man

    You shouldn't washed them in HOT water............HO HO HO

    Unfortunately, women tend to gain weight after menopause, like it or not....and we don't!
    ed shank

    Randy don't tell me I'm not the only guy that does laundry, cold water huh. I'll try it.

    @ Bob, my wife didn't gain weight after menopause. Thank God I made it through that time. I was seriously going to divorce her. She was indeed possessed.

    I've never been on diet or want to lose any. I can lose weight easily, but the gaining is another story. I'm 5'5, 126 lbs, been like  this for the past several yrs. (before always 115lbs). If you look at me, you can't tell that I weight that much. I'm happy where I am now; I think I look better than ever.

    I'd like to be 130 lbs though. :)


    You are fortunate to not have a problem with being overweight, but underweight has its health issues, too. As long as you are healthy and like your looks, 4 pounds is not alot. You may be able to gain the weight with muscle buildup; not buffing, but toning. Don't need a gym, either.

    Thank you. I do work out and love it! Thinking to join the gym or take Cardio Boxing while cont'd doing Zumba. I think I look better at 130 lbs, you know more meat on butts/hips and some on boobs wouldn't hurt either. :D

    I am 10 lbs overweight and losing this is rough.  But I've just lost 20 so I'm not complaining.  Only I have a lot of size 12 jeans just waiting for me and winter is coming...........


    Winter may be the best time of all to try to shed the extra pounds. I tend to get really dormant when it's cold....with a goal in mind, I might get moving! TTYL

    Sorry Bob I disagree, unless jhharian lives in a very warm climate. In colder climates winter can be the hardest time to lose wt. The cold makes all of our bodies want to keep both muscle and fat for "protection"...hearty meals r more appealing. and whatever u eat tends to 'stick'. You can maintain your wt much easier than lose it unless you have a lot of extra wt on you. Come spring and summer shedding wt. is easier!

    I live in Texas, it got up to 73 yesterday, lots of walking weather 'cept for a little rain. I'll lose if I just cut out the beer...........

    My body works differently than most people I know: in Winter I seem to lose weight (not by much and not by intention either), in Summer I weight more- has to be wanna look good in those tank tops and strapless dresses.

    No for me I've always been sort of content with my Love Handles


    Excellent! Contentment is underrated!

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