    Does freedom of speech or expression have limit?

    +2  Views: 755 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    It does in the Middle-East.

    9 Answers

    I think it should. Here in the states we have a Rev. Phelps and his inbred family who are allowed to go to the funerals of dead soldiers with signs saying God hates fags and spouting their garbage in ear shot of the mourners. They are nasty vile creatures who are protected by freedom of speech. This should not be allowed. Freedom of speech needs a limit and a line. 

    ed shank

    Should they show up at a funeral for one of my family members, the local funeral home would need many, many more coffins.

    @ed shank, VERY WELL PUT, TU'S

    Ye he threatened to come to the UK and do the same s**t, at least our gov saw sense for a change, wouldn,t have lasted 5mins anyway.

    Should have when it reaches the point of becoming obnoxious....

    Can't yell "Fire" in a movie house. You will go to jail.


    Or high jack on a plane.
    ed shank

    How about, yoo John.

    It seems as though that day is coming,look at all the protesters across the usa, isn't that freedom of speech!

    Yes but Bible thumping should be allowed


    Even at the funerals of dead soldiers? Because that's what Phelps does, he thumps, thumps, thumps the bible. He and his followers make the claim that God killed that soldier to show how he hates fags and hates the USA for accepting the fags. He waves the bible, spouts verse after verse from it in his attempt to prove God hates homosexuals and soldiers die because of the US's acceptance of them. So, do we draw yet another line and say only some Christians can thump it? He is a Christian. He believes in the bible and holds Christ as his savior.
    Headless Man

    Don't even try to get me associated with that group.

    I'm not associating you with them. But freedom of speech also allows them to make a mockery of your religion and bible that they thump, thump, thump and call their own.
    Headless Man

    There is no greater thing a person can do than give their life for the betterment of another, these people are all heros regardless of their sex desires.

    The point is, the funerals he has demonstrated at, those soldiers were not gay. He is claiming they died because God killed them to set an example that He does not like the US accepting the homosexuals. That's the really sad sick part of this. Can you imagine how it makes the family feel to hear that crap at their son's/grandson's/brother's/nephew's funeral? Freedom of speech needs a limit, a line. This should not be allowed to happen yet just last year the Supreme Court ruled he and his inbred followers are protected by freedom of speech.
    Headless Man

    A grave site should be a safe site as the dead can't hear, so no speech other than family.
    We need some more conservative Supreme Court Judges.

    ""Freedom...of non-verbal expression...

    it may not, but it absolutely should.  when people get to the point where they are insulting and hurting others, free speech has gone way too far!

    There are definite boundaries.  Slander and libel aren't illegal.  Perjury is punishable by fines and incarceration.  Threatening someone verbally can land you in prison nowadays.  
    So, yes, there are limits on the freedom of speech.    It's too bad most people don't place limits on a much less confrontational world........ 

    Political correctness has most terrified of saying anything in a moment of anger. I live in a private community and we have several employees that are black. It was brought to my attention that one of the black employees filed suit against the community for having a racial slur addressed to him in a conversation. I immediately assumed the employee was called the "N" word. (here we go with political correctness) In fact an irate property owner made reference to him using the word "BOY". He settled out of court for 10K. Lucky for the community he quit after reporting the incident. It would have been impossible to fire this guy without an even bigger discrimination lawsuit.

    I wouldn't piss on this guy if he was on fire. Thin skinned S.O.B.

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