21 Answers
I honestly tried to like him but he is running with a lot of the same old agenda and tried and failed politics. There are some things I like but not enough new ideas. I think he would be the same ol, same ol and we would not see great change.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
From Ron Paul's camp:
Newt Gingrich's record as the consummate Washington, D.C. insider is crystal clear.
For his support of the individual mandate central to "ObamaCare" and other Big Government schemes, Newt raked in nearly $40 million from health care giants.
For his efforts to stop conservative legislators from working to end government involvement in housing, Newt got $1.6 million from Freddie Mac.
And Newt shamelessly referred to feathering his nest with taxpayer money as "the standard Washington fee."
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Look like Rick Santorum or Michele Bachmann may be the only true Conservatives left.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

Thank goodness.
We need a person in the white house who follows GOD.

Gingrich Vaults Over Romney to Biggest Lead
Gingrich’s lead grows even bigger if it’s a two-man race between him and Romney: 59 to 36 percent. In a three-man contest among Gingrich, Romney, and Paul, Gingrich scores 53 percent; Romney, 31 percent; and Paul, 13 percent.
Read more on Newsmax.com: NBC Poll: Gingrich Leaps Over Romney to Biggest Lead
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Newt, Mitt, the guy with 2 first names, Ron Paul...it's like a strange Fraternity. Newt is nuts! He has a lot of ironies: he visits zoos wherever he goes yet he's not much on protecting the environment. He made a ton of money off of us with Freddy Mack (govt supported by our tax dollars) and He studied &taught History- but he keeps changing his history to suit himself. Not a good one for President but he is entertaining.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Didn't he get kicked out of Congress not all that long ago? I am sorry but I will vote for Obama again before I vote for another self centered cheating man. It is getting harder all the time to find one. Just because we all know about his womanizing and his nest feathering does not give him a pass. Why would people who have a past like that think the voting population will still vote for him. Are there no rules? Can just anyone run for president?
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |

By voting for Obama, you will be doing just that. (He may not cheat on his wife but he cheats on the people who voted him in).
"Why would people who have a past like that think the voting population will still vote for him"
People are going to vote for Obama again, it works for him.
" Can just anyone run for president?"
Obama did and he got in.
" Are there no rules?"
Yes, the rules are keep voting in incompetent presidents. Looks like you're following them :)