    Do you believe in luck?

    +11  Views: 1113 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    What a great question!

    19 Answers

    YES, I believe if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck!

    As Jack Nicklaus once said " the more I practise, the luckier I get ".

    I believe in luck, both good and bad.  I've had plenty of both...........

    Luck or fortuity is good fortune which occurs beyond one's control, without regard to one's will, intention, or desired result. There are at least two senses people usually mean when they use the term, the prescriptive sense and the descriptive sense. In the prescriptive sense, luck is the supernatural and deterministic concept that there is a force which prescribes that certain events occur very much the way the laws of physics will prescribe that certain events occur. It is the prescriptive sense that people mean when they state that they "do not believe in luck." In the descriptive sense, luck is merely a name we give to events after they occur which we find to be fortuitous.

    Now that I am thoroughly confused, in answer to your question, not any more.  :D


    Luck or......good fortune OR BAD FORTUNE....

    Yes, but I havn't had much good luck lately, apart from good health,I suppose that could be counted as lucky, so yes I'm lucky.


    good health is truly the best luck!!! if you have bad health, nothing, nothing else means as much. that's what my sister went through. she had all the money in the world, but when bad health hit. it all meant absoultely nothing. she started giving it all away.

    I believe intelligent people are generally luckier people.  The reason is they are usually better prepared and more often than not, positioned themselves to be in a winning or "lucky" position.  As the former Indiana University basketball coach, Bob Knight, once said, "Luck means Preparation Meets Opportunity."  Yes, smart people are usually lucky people.



    Good point!

    there's something to that. Haven't seen you for awhile, Chaingmai. Where've you been ?

    I spent a few weeks in Thailand watching the Great Flood crises unfold. Things are beginning to return to normal there now. I am back home now. Thanks for asking.

    I have a question for you, mycatsmom. My cat licks herself a lot lately and the fur on her legs are starting to come off. What's causing her to lick herself so much and why is she losing her fur?

    that was excellent

    Your cat query . This is a typical sign of itching and it could also be an allergy or skin disease acquired maybe from another cat.

    Thanks, WB, I'll let my wife know.

    no the way my luck is going if it were raining money i'd get hit with a brick...


    daren1 - you always make me laugh. Now why would I laugh at the thought of you getting hit by a brick. That certainly is not very nice of me ... but think lucky, my friend. Our minds are like magnets. Or at least have a bowl of Lucky Charms. This cereal is still as good as it was when we were kids!

    Nope, but I like it a lot.

    L- living U- under C- Christ K- kindness

    Yes, I believe every breath is LUCK.


    ... a miracle!

    yes. you get luckier when educated, workout etc. If you dont keep trying,good luck will stay away. If you don't buy a lottery ticket, you can't win !

    not really. Altho, there are people who seem to consistently win at door prizes, raffle tickets and all that.---- and 3 digit lottery tickets. Those tickets are just chance, not skill. But , for some reason, my late husband won the 3 digit lottery ticket quite  a few times. He and another man played the 4 dig and they won and split it.


    ed shank

    Luck I believe are little miracles given to us by the "Big Guy".

    I have read of studies where random number generators, for instance coming up 0 or 1, can be affected by human conscious in double blind experiments. So I have a tendency to believe that we each generate our own luck knowingly or unknowingly.

    this is how luck was explained to me... ;luck is measured in odds/numbers. sometimes it is all in timing, right place at right time, which can also be altered by researching your odds to ----- this or statistics. good gamblers should remember to take look at the odds of different games/bets or even ask the casino to tell you which tables,games,machines have the best odds.  


    when you find a four leaf clover it doesnt mean youll have good luck it means you were lucky to find it. 

    I do sometimes I also belive what you put into life you can take out of life and that is where you luck comes from if you get my meaning!  

    Absolutely!!! without luck i don't think i would be here.  plus i have had some close calls, but God just stuck with me and brought me through.  I am lucky.  Really most of us are, but may not know it.

    Luck can mean many things to different people. Being in the right place at the right time. Involved in a nasty traffic accident and having no injuries. Winning a lottery.  Strictly speaking luck is random and has nothing to do with intelligence or preparation. In sport, as in life generally, things are won, gained or achieved on merit.  


    Good answer west-bus :>

    Positive thinking has results that we may consider  luck. Negative thinking create negative cirmcumstances. So yes, I believe in luck

    I must be luck since I'm still alive, now that I'm old and grey hope my luck will hold up, and let me die in peace,or should I say die painlessly.

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