    how do blepharospasm and hypophonia interrelate?

    I have Parkinsons disease and talking (my voice is very soft) triggers closing of my eyes.  My neurologist has not seen this connection before, although both conditions are frequently seen in PD patients, but not being  caused by one or the other.

    0  Views: 406 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    We do not really have a medical staff here. You need to discuss this more with your doctor or find out if he/she can recommend you to someone who may know more about this. 

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    While Ambattur itself may not have a dedicated neurology clinic, you can consider visiting Sai Isha Neuro Clinic, which is located nearby and offers expert neurological services. Their team of experienced neurologists provides comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for various neurological conditions. You can contact Sai Isha Neuro Clinic to schedule an appointment and receive specialized neurological care, even Neurologist in Ambattur.

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