    We don't know what everybody looks like, but Bob/PKB is beautiful, on the inside for sure, and on the outside. Do you all think that too? & Bob do you feel like that about yourself?

    +10  Views: 1102 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: beau

    Oops, forgot to tell you that, No, I don't think of myself as beautiful on the in or out side. When I look in the mirror, I see an older woman who is OK looking, but not traditionally pretty or cute or anything special at all.
    When I look on the inside, I know the places that aren't happy and wonder why they have to be so dominant in my being.
    BUT, I have faith I'm still growing an evolving. I know my blessings are too numerous to count. :D

    Bob/PKB you are beautiful.

    17 Answers

    I think Bob is beautiful inside and out...............

    Hi tabber! I just saw this today (3/7) and am blown away that anyone would say such a nice thing about me!  You have no idea how much your kind thoughts mean to me.  Thank you!

    I agree . She asks questions that makes all participarte and answers question that are very respectful and considered for others. Shes a good girl.


    Thank you, Ann. There are times when I am not very nice or respectful, though. :(

    Of course Bob is Beautiful! 

    I like her a whole bunch, and I really don't like a whole lot of people.


    :D No higher compliment could possibly exist!

    Look out Bob, the crazies are coming out for Christmas.

    Not that I don`t think you are beautiful.

    Bob….You are  a sweetheart to me. You express yourself well and that makes you all the more knowable. 


    Of course she is......its obvious, inside and out.....obvious in her photo, obvious in her Q&As, all around wonderful person....

    I don't think thats really a picture of BobPKB.   That face is on a sign on Rt-64 in Hunington, West Virginia, advertising  "NoTell-Motel Just Ahead"  I'm pretty sure that the one. !

    Bob,,  do you have a business in WVa.?


    Damn! I really thought I could get away with the double identity thing. You are just too clever/cleaver, caddam. :D

    Good sport Bob. You know I love you

    Back at ya! :D

    Hubba Hubba...

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, i my cyber eyes you are beautiful inside as well as out, i'm serious Ms BOB.


    The really interesting thing, bulletman, is that in my thoughts, you are one of the most handsome men here. It comes only from the questions, answers, and comments you make.

    I think Bob is beautiful inside and out...and is one of the ones I appreciate on this site for her kindness, consideration, wisdom...and courage to say what she believes in non-offending way. She also is a fun person in many of her answers. Can't ask for more than that!


    Thank you, Shootah. Very sincerely, thank you.

    One of my best list. x

    Totally, totally agree!  She gives the most heartfelt and thoughtful answers; they often move me.  Thanks, Bob, for sharing yourself with us!!  ;->

    No offence to Bob.. But these little personal adorations and offensives are in bad taste... What if I did not think Bob was attractive???  ... When things gets this personal there is far too much potential for hurt feelings.. IMO.


    Jenn you do have a point about little personal adorations, but I believe nobody has to offend nobody. If someone does not think someone is a particular thing or not, they don't have to give a comment and/or if they do I suppose they could be diplomatic like you were in your answer. I love to quote M.C. Hammer, "It's all good."

    Jenn, don't get your nickers in a twist, compliments are good for the ego, besides i cannot see any differance to hugs and kisses given after comments by female members, remember have a little fun as well, i meant what i posted about Bob , as i find her a sincere, honest individual. ps, i admire all the regular female members including yourself, even Colleen who i have the utmost respect, even when we don't see eye to eye on a particular subject. :)

    I am the first one to send love via oxoxox's... I am not upset.. I am concerned... It worries me that that there is a "thread" about the way someone looks... I have horrible self esteem.. I have no idea how Bob feels about her self image. But if someone were to say something mean to her or who ever this type of question was posed about.. it would break my heart... If it were about me.. I would be crushed.

    Jenn, as i said beauty is in the eye of the beholder. i think most of us underestimate our looks, i think i know with girls they admire a man who has confidence and charm, you don't have to look like a film star, i wish i knew this when i was young, now to old to to implement my beliefs, besides i'm defacto.

    Jenn, I am sensitive; a few people here have said things I considered unkind to or about me. I avoid them most of the time. Don't even wonder if they know who they are and DO know they wouldn't care anyway.
    As for my looks, in 1973 I was dating a guy whose roommate told him (and I quote these many years later), "She seems like a nice enough person, but she's not good-looking enough for you." I believe to this very day that comment to be true no matter who I might date. That guy and I dated off an on for 10 years....there was some pathetic connection; that remark was like an elephant in the room to me.

    Girl I know how you feel... A guy once told my bf at the time that I had beautiful hair, but my face looked like I got hit by a truck... I was not trying to be mean with my answer to this question... I am genuinely concerned about it.

    That remark would have put me under lock and key the rest of my life. What an ugly person HE was. If I were to believe every negative thing about me, you'd wonder how I get up in the morning. As a matter of fact, you SHOULD wonder how I get up in the morning.
    I did not take offense to your answer. While I am speechless with all the nice comments that where made here, I know that it could have been a really unpleasant occasion. I'm really thankful no one chose to be unkind.

    Bob! you are an exceptional smart wise, and full of confidence which make you  attractive outside as well , you are a complete package, you have more talent then most people here on akaQA.. I'll be counting my blessing, Never had any doubt about your ability.((( big hug))))  LOVE YOU, Just the way you are!


    This is really too much. I don't deserve any special notice. Everyone here has so much heart and smarts and gives their best to make this a great place to be!
    (((big hug))) back at ya!

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