    How do I get over the death of my spouse?

    My spouse passed away on November 9 due to metastic liver cancer.  He was supposed to undergo his first chemotherapy treatment the following day.  I miss him so much.  I know mourning is a process but I do not know how to go on without him.  I would appreciate any suggestions.  Thank you.

    +4  Views: 1243 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    My sincere sympathy to you.  You have to be devastated.  It has been less than one month since you lost your husband;  I don't know how you could have even started moving through the grief process.  I hope that you have family and friends to lean on at this point, perhaps a clergyman, and, as Nene43 suggested, a grief therapist or group where you can find some solace. 
    Don't think you need to "get over" your husband's death any time soon.  Take care of yourself, though, and take baby steps in establishing your life as a widow/single woman.  

    mammy sylvie

    Thank you, Bob, for your advice. I will definitely take baby steps (one day at a time). I have to accept his passing away and the fact that I will never see him again. There is group therapy offered by a clergyman but the next session will be in April 2012. I think that will definitely help and hopefully I will be able to help someone in a similar situation. Thanks again, Bob, I appreciate your answer.

    You are a very gracious woman, mammy sylvie. Just adding that if you want to start group therapy prior to April, contact the local Mental Health Department in your county to see if they have any resources or recommendations. Our local paper has a section that announces all kinds of meetings, including grief. You my find something similar in YOUR paper. And we are here to help!

    Not all advice is the same for everyone. My suggestion would to seek a Grief Group I am a widow. I found one at a local church. If you feel too shy or embarrased, seek help from a grief counselor. In my case the group worked just fine. You do have to make a commitment to attend all meetings. God Bless You.  Also, Prayer Changes Things.

    mammy sylvie

    I received similar suggestions and I think this will definitely help me through the grieving process as well as preventing me from isolating myself. Thank you for your response.

    TO mammie sylvie, You are most welcome. I wish you all the best. Hang in there! Nene43

    Pick up a copy of HOW TO SURVIVE THE LOSS OF A LOVE, it will walk you through the grieving process and allow you to FEEL.  It's will allow you to cry over your loss but will also instill hope.....


    Great book ... helps you through all kinds of losses.
    mammy sylvie

    I will definitely pick up a copy of this book. It seems there are different types of grief depending on whether you lose a spouse or a parent. Thank you for your response.

    My deepest condolences to you. When my husband died, I thought I had died with him. It still seems like a part of my soul is gone.. All I can say is go out with your friends and family when they ask you too. Don't turn down invitations. When your spouse dies, if you were close to him, you feel like you lost your identity and you don't know who you are.It may seem like the initial grief will never stop, but it will finally start  to ebb some.  And  you gradually build up a new identity. If you don't work , get  a job, if  you're able to. If you don't want to work, do volunteer work. It helps a lot to get out of the house. You will always miss him very much. My husband died  in April 2,000 of metastatic bladder cancer. It went to his bones, and it was on many of his organs.


    I thought of you, mycatsmom, when I read Mammy's post. I think your post is excellent. My husband is truly my soul mate and I am very afraid of losing him ... there's no reason for this fear. However, death happens as I've read.
    mammysilvie, I hope you post here frequently. I'm not sure I can be of help ... maybe. I tell you mcm will be able to guide you ... others too.
    Take care. My thoughts are really with you.
    mammy sylvie

    Hello mycatsmom, that is exactly how I feel, as if a part of me died also. Unfortunately, I have turned down invitations; I just don't feel like socializing, nothing seems to interest me know except playing computer games. I do have a job and you are right, it does help by forcing me to leave the house and see other people. Once I'm at the office, I am fine. Like you said, I will always miss him, just like you miss your husband. Thank you for your comments.

    You never get over losing a loved one. You just learn to cope. Its only been a month, so the grieving period is still there. People are probably leaving you alone by now. Now you have this time to yourself and you feel so along. But, you are not alone. If you need to talk to someone, then do that. You can join a support group for widows, seek a grief counselor, or talk to a clergyman. Just  don't isolate yourself.  

    mammy sylvie

    You are right, Chelleanne, I must not isolate myself and will sign up for group therapy for those who recently lost a loved one. Thank you for your suggestion, I appreciate it.

    I know this does not take away your pain but I am truly truly sorry for your loss.  Grief has many stages and each person goes through them differently.  If you feel comfortable with doing so there are some good grief support groups look for one in your area that deals with loss of a spouse.  Some hospitals even have them, some churches, etc.  It hurts badly I know just a thought about the group sometimes it helps if you find a really good one to be around people that are going through the process too.  My thoughts and heartfelt sympathy goes out to you.

    Realize that you don't get over it.  You can talk out loud to them when you are alone.  Think about their spirit being with you.  Time is what you must use to get though it.

    Best to find a convention that you can go to out of state or a group trip to a new area.  You will be away from the home place and you can think of this as a vacation for you alone. 

    Be upfront and tell people you are alone now.  Get the gref out of your head.

    mammy sylvie

    Hello sumclown3, I do talk out loud to him sometimes; I tell him I love him and will always miss him....a trip is a wonderful idea; however, my financial situation will not permit me to take a trip (no life insurance, eeek) but that is no longer an issue. I will work on getting the grief out of my head by talking to as many people as I can so I can function again. Thank you for your comments and take care.

    Sorry about your loss. Yes it is hard to deal with this but life has to go on. You should not brood over it because it will depress you further. Deal with the paper work, accounts, insurance etc. Be around friends and family AND talk to people. No need to feel shy or embarassed because this happens to or will happen to every family. Looking at his things etc will keep you thinking about him. Give away what u can to charities. Regain control, be brave and keep praying always.

    Our Best wishes are with you

    Thank you itsmee, and yes, your kind comments have definitely helped.  Thanks again to everyone who answered; I am very touched and just by reading your comments, I already feel better and finally see a glimmer of hope.  I am happy to have discovered this forum.  Take care.

    get over, don't know. work through yes. with time an understanding that it is a  prosess.  just like anyother. with a starting point and a finnish. hopefully one day you can rejoyce in the fact that all the struggles in this life have now ended for your beloved. an know that they would want you to be happy with the life you have yet to live.. 

    My condolences to you!  When we loose a part  of  ourself, can be very painfull, no easy fix,we pray that God is in control, just haft to hang in there...We all haft to leave sometime,no choice in the matter.

    Mammy Sylvie, my heart so goes to you. Incredibly difficult thing to have to deal with!  Praying for strength and comfort for you. --April, 2012?  Surely there is something happening now that can of service to you in coping with your grieving and loss.  Hospitals usually have group grieving therapy sessions ongoing or can give you info about them in the area. Think it would be a good idea to begin that. I've seen it work wonders, along with loving family and friend support. Very best to you.

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