    Why does love fade?

    +1  Views: 958 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    I married at a very young age. Everyone said this marriage will NEVER last more than 6 months. We're going on 42 years (I think). I can say that I love my wife more today than when we were married. We both have our quirks but the good far outweighs the negatives. She snores, drives like she's leaving the scene of a crime, sucks with money but I love this woman to death and I tell her every day. She in turn pats me on the head and says "I really do like you".


    That is such an important facet of a successful marriage. "I really do like you".

    Love your answer!

    I don't think that it's the "love" that fades.  I think that the "enthusiasm" that you originally had, as you have for anything "new", is the thing that fades. Then, sometimes, one or the other, starts getting restless or feeling stuck or resentful and the trouble starts.

    Our expectation that everything will stay the same, is not realistic.  Everything in life changes, including every relationship.  That doesn't make it bad...just different from where it started.

    Love gets stronger.  Infatuation, lust and desire fade.


    WOW. That speaks volumes.

    People change and grow away from each other. 

    I don't think love fades, but does change and matures, the feeling is not the same but somehow stronger, I still love my husband but in different way, we are friends, we share, we accept and we laugh.

    Time passes, and leaves behind
    Memories and traces of a love that has died.
    Smiles and tears walked hand in hand
    Before time passed; before love died.

    I don't have the answer.  A guy I met recently was married for 27 years, with grown children and grandchildren.  His wife divorced him, after stringing him along for over a year.  After I don't know how many years, he flat-out asked her what happened!  "We weren't friends" was her reply.

    It's something to think about.  The long-time marrieds of akaQA appear to be married to their best friends.   You need to LIKE each other to keep LOVING each other (although not every person you LIKE is someone you will LOVE).


    Good thoughts Bob/PKB.

    Just like the "roses it dies .Time to find new pastures ,they say the grass is greener on the other side


    The grass is always greener over the septic tank !

    The other grass is greener is it b/c you don't water enough or stop watering your grass

    pej, are you talking about nourishing the relationship or just literally watering the lawn?

    You have to work on it all the a garden.......


    excellent analogy

    You find your common bonds first, in the beginning.  Exciting!!  And then you begin to see your differences over the months or years, unfortunately. You work to find a balance, if that is important to you.


    In the beginning, exciting and fresh. Later on you'll find out the hard way, what you have thats so rare and beautiful does not meant to last

    I think maybe lust fades true love grows usually if one is ever lucky enough to find it in life.

    Faded Love:

    You've found and met someone else... After all these years you have put up and have enough of these sh-ts you've been through, you just give up, not on love but on trying so da--n hard... You are tired to give all the loving, but get lilttle or none in return.... You realize he is NOT your SOULMATE.... This is all I could think of right now

    You wake up one day, somehow you're fall out of love... No chemistry and so its twin of passion

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