    If you had all the money in the world what would you do with it?

    +8  Views: 1004 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    If I had all of the money, wouldn't that kind of make it all worthless?  People would find something else to value.  Now if I won the lottery, that would be different................


    You are so right!

    What is with the vote down? Especially for such an old question? Kind of ugly, don't you think? Besides, it was a good answer......

    Who you talking to not me I hope! I voted you up 10 months ago!

    Not you,@clu. The guy who posted the question unvoted me as well as voted me down.....

    Half I would stick it in medical research.  The other half I would put into the military. We should be in tip top shape when we kill one another.


    LMAO. But you are right. We don't need any sickly sorts who can't control the kick of their weapons.

    For my own security I wouldn't tell a soul.


    "AH go on West-bus tell me I wont even tell the "Wife.

    I,d share it equally with everyone else in the world.


    "Want my address Romos

    Canny be that far to walk, bit naw, a said equally, a,d hiv ti dae some trekkin.

    jhharlan is right.  Having ALL the money wouldn't work well.  If I had an ENDLESS SUPPLY of money, there are a couple of people I know who have child support and/or school loans to pay, and I would pay off those debts for them.  Pay off my car and possibly but the sporty convertible I say I'd like to have.  I owe my mom ALOT of money, so I'd pay her back IN FULL. 
    There are some philanthropic organizations to which I would contribute generously  (SPCA, Salvation Army and similar org., hospice and abuse shelters; might even establish my own shelter).  I would set up some tax free investments that paid me monthly so that I could live comfortably.  I would enroll in courses at the local junior college, maybe one of the 4-year schools in this area...studying English; take golf lessons and tennis lessons.  Go to the movies more.  Take dance lessons, banjo lessons, art lessons/classes.  
    I'd have someone clean my house for me and someone help me get my yard looking good.  I would set up some vacations, including cruises.  I would invite a friend to join me (I have a few friends and family members).  I'd carefully set up some trusts for my granddaughters.


    Admiral my Lady, Admiral,but remember YOU would have ALL the money,NOBODY else would have any. Regards,R R.

    ROMOS: that's why I changed it to "endless supply". It's scary to think of having so much money.

    I'd keep the cold warm and the hungery fed........

    Headless Man

    How, money can't do that, only furnace makers and farmers can do that.

    Randy - you are right - but money would help to make this happen i.e. equipment, farmers pay etc.

    As jhhartan says if one person had all the money in the world it would prove to be difficult - one could give it away to various people.  and there are some that would just waste it, have a lot of trouble with it or make it multiply. I would buy a lovely cottage out of London with animals and near friends - not so many these days help those that need it and help all the charities but I would like to see good work being done with it, mainly for animals and children and the needy of course but I am greedy I would have to see it put to good use by charities etc. Not friends and family they could just enjoy I hope. 

    Burn it.. That is about all it would be good for.

    If I had all the money the world,  that would mean no one else would pocess any currency.  Therefore, there would not be an open market with a currency exchange.  Thus, making my money worthless. Think about it.



    Headless Man

    Then the homeless would be rich and
    What good is it to have all the money in this world, but lose your soul?

    go to aruba help the needy go to an awesome college etc.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

    but how could i do that if i had all the money that would be no fun at all

    i would much rather be richer than oprah you know what i mean right

    Take out a loan. derrr...

    Forgive me please, but this is just another exercise in futilty...

    I would be an awesome sponser


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