    life is blissful

    0  Views: 711 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Life is what you make it, good attitude.

    I,m glad you,re happy but it really isn,t that brilliant . With age comes wisdom and cynisism.


    Agreed, but no reason to let it overrun the blissfulness and optimism. Be realistic, but always dream and look for the best in everything and everyone.

    You are wise beyond your years Bob,obviously been,seen,done.Lifes not so bad really, better than the alternative( should that be plural)I suppose.

    I'm so glad you are happy but, you are young. Be prepared for the not so hot stuff that happens...........


    Were you prepared for your disappointments? I certainly wasn't/am not.

    oh, your so right, but why cast a shadow, it was good when we thought life was fantastic,

    that it is, good attitude..

    Headless Man

    I'm having the same problem with TU, I vote but your numbers don't change then when I come back no TU has been counted, why? Only on you, all others seem to work.

    divine intervention or computer degeneration..

    Send a message to the admin. Let them know about the TU issue.

    It is. Then you grow up life is not the same .You have responsibility's working to build a home pay your way food /bills If married kids to support your looks change .You know at forty false teeth grey hair or maybe a "Wig hair falling out ."Oh I hope I am not scaring you .but Enjoy childhood .


    Life is blissful....can you imagine waking up with the sound of the ocean outside your door, sun shining on the surface, and the sky a cloudless blue!
    Life is blissful...can you imagine collecting the mail and NEVER having a bill more than $100 to pay?
    Life is ate over half the extra-large combo pizza last night, but this morning, the scale reports a loss of 3 pounds.
    Life is blissful....Life is difficult as well, but you've given me the cue to focus on the bliss.  Thank you, sweetie, a good dose of blissful never hurt anyone!


    YES, IMAGINE ! I do Bob I do.

    Romos: Where would we be without our imaginations!!!
    The stoopid question was so much fun because you ran with it!!

    Bob/PKB, God bless, oh the memories...too true, I loved waking up to the ocean and the only problem was to choose left over pizza or bacon and eggs for breakfast without putting on any weight, didn't seem to be a problem when I was younger

    lambshank: the ocean AND pizza or bacon/eggs? THAT IS BLISS.
    Those were the days, my friend; we thought they'd never end....

    Enjoy the bliss, childhood should be that way.


    You are exactly right!

    Ahhh, to be young again.


    Being young at heart is what counts!

    So it should be you lucky young lady enjoy it while you can

    Life is made up of all sorts of things "Blissful" being one of them.Just remember sometimes life can also be stressful ,painful ,awful .Keeping with your positive attitude i am sure it will be wonderful ,peaceful and successful.


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