    What are you thankful for?

    I am thankful for so many things. The love and support of my husband, daughter, brother, and other family members and dear, dear friends, and my precious animals. I am thankful for good health. I am thankful that as my husband and I get ready to retire, we will be able to live comfortably. I am thankful for good books, for I am a voracious reader. I am thankful for my spiritual life ... I feel that I am deeply connected to life: always the student, and sometimes the teacher. And I am thankful for a really long cord on my vacuum cleaner.

    +7  Views: 706 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    I am thankful for good health, good friends, a warm and cozy place to live, lively discussions on akaQA, my volunteer job, enough money to be comfortable, a decent car to drive, books to read, good food to eat, my comfortable bed, my big screen tv, some lovely relatives, and my very best friend who always understands and puts up with me...not necessarily in that order.


    Did I write this? We have a lot to be thankful for, that's for sure ... and yes, I LOVE the big screen TV also!

    Just got mine and it's like having the movie theater available, anytime of the day or night! :)

    Yup! We held out for a long time, also. Just got ours a couple of months ago. Could not sell our old TV at our yard sale - not even for $15 ~!~

    haha...same here...couldn't give it away!!! I guess we are a little behind the times. :)
    country bumpkin

    Wiping a tear from my eye at this moment.

    Oops! :)

    I am thankful for my sanity at this time of year.......


    Me, too!! Come to think of it, me, three!!!!!

    everything good .. through christ my savior..


    Christ works through all of us. Happy Thanksgiving, daren1.

    thank you .. and don't eat too much, we'll need you on friday

    I am thankful I will be celebrating Thanksgiving with a house full of family that get together at this time every year to share and enjoy with each other. Every brother, sister, inlaw and child has nothing but love and respect for each other. It will be a joyous time (Thursday night and again Saturday). 


    You are very fortunate to have that...many do not, making the holidays a rather sad time.

    You're so blessed, Flip!

    I'm always thankulll to God...for he has never forgotten me through my most direst of timres!  I have overcame so many ordeals...that is it pretty amazing!


    God would never forget you, even if - in your darkest hours - you thought so ...

    Im thank full to be still alive, even though i dont have every thing in life, I thank God, that I feel ok, have my husband, and two beautiful cats.and can cope from day to day.


    Sounds good to me, Dollybird. Happy day

    Dollybird that was lovely oxoxox

    Just for the simple things in life roof over my head food on the table the health and love from my Wife and Son and family .I wish that for every one on this planet.


    Me, too, dowsa.

    Me three.

    I am thankful  for every blessing God has showered upon me (too numerous to count).  I am also thankful (to a lesser degree, honestly) for the trials that have kept me humble and challenged me to be strong and faithful.  I am thankful I exist in a time and place where I am able to express myself without (too much) fear of retaliation or persecution.  I am extremely thankful that, in spite of how crappy I think my life is, I have hope and faith that doesn't waiver.
    I am thankful for indoor toilets, too.   


    Yes ... I often think of the "day and age" we were born in... an in our respective cultures. We are sooo fortunate. (PS - I got locked in our outhouse when I was 4-yrs-old ... NOT FUN!!)

    That had to be beyond traumatic. Are you a bit claustrophobic today?

    Dollybird, you have so many happy, healthy years ahead of you. Enjoy life. always.

    Life, love and today. 

    I am thankful for all my blessings that God has let me have and for every stitch that has brought me closer to him in my over 8' of  surgical scares.


    Oh my, Randy. I don't know how many feet of scars my dad had, but one time he labeled them with a ball point pen when he knew that a team of doctors was coming to look at him! In spite of all his surgeries, he was a real cornball and made us all laugh. You do, indeed have a lot to be thankful for.
    Headless Man

    I'll have my wife do that next time, she writes


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