    what is the old fashioned term for a quantity of liquid to be drunk especially medicine

    0  Views: 1898 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Down the hatch ?


    teaspoon or tablespoon/or dose we really need the era so we could be exact!

    Are you referring to like a hot toddy ?  I think it's like hot water, whiskey, honey mixed together, for bad chest congestion. Some people even give it to kids. My mother gave it to me when I was a young teen ---for bronchitis. She called it a Whiskey Sling. She made hot tea, then put whiskey and honey in it. It'll either kill ya or cure ya.  It wouldn't have been too bad, if I liked whiskey , but I hate the taste of it. If she had put rum in it, it might have made me feel better. I think she did it out of desperation.  It can bring down a fever too.


    I'd like to hear some of your other comments about a hot toddy, b/c I'm not sure if I explained it right. Has anyone ever heard of a Whiskey Sling, or was that just a Sheboygan, Wisconsin invention ?


    1 oz brandy, whiskey or rum
    1 Tbsp honey
    1/4 lemon
    1 cup hot water
    1 tea bag

    Coat the bottom of a mug or an Irish coffee glass with honey.
    Add the liquor and the juice of the lemon quarter.
    On the side, heat water in a tea kettle and add the tea bag to make hot tea.
    Pour the steaming tea into the glass and stir

    Draught?  (Not the US draft).

    Part ? 


    a "Belt"

    The only thing I can thing of is a 'TOT' which is an old navy term for there daily rum allowance

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