    Is Grover Norquest the wizard behind the Republican Party?     

    His stated ambition is to destroy the American Government.



    +3  Views: 3523 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    His name has come up from time to time and he is a well known Washington Lobbyist favoring the Republican Party. His influence is huge, organizing the Republican Brinkmanship practice that is driving the public hysteria over no compromise in tax and spending issues. He is the de facto mentor of Republicanism and sworn enemy of …………….

    7 Answers

    Bump  If I could put a Free Beer sign on this post I would.

    No, he's the doofus. Norquist is the head of  Americans for Tax Reform and hate the idea of any sort of tax increase. He somehow mangaged to get a large group of republican drones to sign a pledge to never agree to any sort of tax increase. How stupid!!!!  If you are a politician who supposedly represents the american people, how can you possibly give one man this kind of undue influence in you decisions? Most economist agree that in order to reduce the debt we must have a combination of revenue increases and cuts in government programs. To give Norquist that level of importance is idiocy.

    Sounds like just another bum trying to get his hands in the pie..


    He’s a naughty child playing with money and politics with the intent to take government back to the turn of the century...


    Norquest was on 60 Minuets last night and admitted to paying Republican congressmen and a few Democrats to not vote for any tax increase. He flatly stated that his goal is to end our government entirely. And we have Congressmen who are afraid to back off their Pledge of Allegiance to Norquest for fear of loosing their financial support from and those who Norquest lobbies for…IRAN?!!! My Honorable Discharge just fell off the wall! Tell me I’m mistaken! 






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