    In the UK the supermarkets sell on their meat counters Sheep , Cattle ,Pigs ,all types of fowl game Venison , Kangeroo , Rabbit,Osterich multiple different kinds of fish . Why not Horses they are Sold on the continent for meat and Ponies from the moores are sold for slaughter here?

    0  Views: 281 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    As a Aussie I would like to bring to your attention the correct spelling of kangAroo, someone from South Africa may care do do likewise with their flightless birds` name..

    To answer your question many countries eat dogs do you want those in your butchers also, what people eat has a lot to do with tradition.

    Australians are one of the few people that eat their national emblem animals, the kangaroo and the emu.

    These two were chosen for the coat of arms as in the wild they cannot and do not step backwards hence the Australian motto "Advance Australia" Our national flower is the "Golden Wattle" a member of the acacias and you can get wattle seed dressing for food.


    thankyou for pointing out the spelling it is down to the way I pronouce words I also spelt moors incorrectly it's Ostrich isn't it I'll do better next time please forgive the grammer

    Don't you have enough meat to eat? The counter seems full.


    Well your right of course but if they are selling them off the moors for slaughter why feed them only to animals

    I live in France and horse meat is often available in butchers. A lot of Dartmoor ponies used to be exported to France and Belgium, but demand has lessened and these ponies are almost worthless. I have eaten horse meat and find it good though not as good as prime steak. As to why Brits don't eat horse, I think it is simply a question of culture though some have suggested that the horse was once sacred in Britain.

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