    Its seems that today's kids are fatter than kids were years ago. I go to my public library...

    and see kids immersed in video games. Anyone else notice that there a fewer kids playing ball and more on computers?

    0  Views: 391 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    No doubt your right, i don't have kids myself  but we do however have plenty of nieces and nephews, they would rather sit and play on the computer or video games all day than play out side makes me wonder where/they'll  we'll be in 10 years from now.

    ed shank

    Hopefully without any cardio or diabetic problems.

    Well, in your day there was no television, nor computers and games. Therefore you played outside with the other kids. Anyway, the parents feed the kids too much food, the parents are to blame. They are fat too, especially in the USA.


    eggplant, there are plent of fat people here too,we have overweight clients at work, so I bought portion controlled plates..too easy, but now I find the staff just stack the food higher!

    I find the restaurants have larger plates and therefore you eat more, but not me, my stomach fills up quickly.

    The USA beats fat people here by a mile. The people here are midgets compared to them. When I went to the USA, I couldn't believe my eyes. They are so fat and they all wear shorts.

    If you don't use it, you loose it. Muscles in particular. An hour on TV, or the computer, then throw them out with a list of chores which require some physical excersize, even if it's raking leaves or washing the cars. What ever happened to playing sports?

    A very talked about issue. Only parents can change this. 


    I blame the parents, too. They are the ones with the money and they are the ones who buy the food. I am sick of hearing parents complain about what their kids eat. They should use the word NO more often.

    Eggplant: "Thanks for the vote up!" That's my 3 YEAR OLD SON in the picture. I got into an argument on a bus recently w/a 16 year-old who called me an old man; if it escalated into a fight, I would've kicked his ***. Thanks for hurting my feelings (lol). I take it that your vote was an apology!

    I'm only 56; there was t.v. in "my day" ; however, the wheel had not yet been invented!

    I think its a sad reality, both parents often need to work and family time has diminished, gone are the days at the beach, the family involvment with sport, leisure time has changed and is now often taken up with catching up with chores after work,it does take a lot of effort to make time, and sometimes a lot of convincing to get kids off all the computer games,I live in a country area and its encouraging here to see kids still playing cricket and riding their bikes, lots also help after school on family farms, I didn't see much of that in the city also time poor parents are often of the belief fast food is easier, it isn't .


    Fast food is also very expensive.

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