    Would love to know what your standard-fantastic-smart-strong-independent-nice looking real woman between the general ages of 371/2 and 56 are actually hopeful for if they are wanting a man to go thru life with. Yes, that is really a question and I very much would like to have "the" right or wrong answer(s)... One will be right. Thanks :)

    A generally decent man, mid-fifties with the mind of a person who thinks he knows a lot but realizes how not true that is. Love most everything in life except for the lack of purpose and "the" person to share that with. Otherwise it just seems like a bit of a huge waste if you don't get to experince ALL OF IT with somebody you like, love, adore and who may actually tolerate you back. Un-wealthy which is my new term for used to once be a bit more than standard-type money successful but at best average now so no money train 24 year olds need apply! :) The shallow-guy part of me of course realizes that in actuality this one thing reduces the field by 9/10th which is just ducky!! Have a sense of humor, must love dogs (I know) and above all smiles and kisses very decently or at minimum willing to practice. SS

    +1  Views: 1985 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Although I am definitely at least a standard, fantastic, smart, strong, independent, nice-looking real woman, my advanced years (59) make my answer worthless to some dope in his mid-50's who thinks a woman 20 years his junior is going to find him desirable?  
    There is no hope for you, Highlands 81, as long as you put conditions on love.   

    You are kidding yourself. Advertise for a woman from Thailand, the Filipines or China. You'd have much more chance. They don't mind old guys as long as they get out of their miserable poverty. I know that the girls in Thailand, pray to the Buddha for a Western man, so they can leave the country and have a good life.

    My mother-in-law would suit you .Has a face like a "dog.She has a good sense of humour ,very good kisser when she takes her teeth out "Oh don't stroke her hair .Her "Wig will fall off I told her to try "super glue ,Are you interested ? Sorry my friend this is not a dating site .Try E-bay.that's where I met the wife.

    country bumpkin

    When you piss off your mother-in-law, does she howl at you? LOL

    "No.just throws the "gas stove.I a had dream I ask C Dracula to pay her a visit "He never came "back!! mother-in-law said to me next day "I had a dream made love to this "hot blooded hunk he went very pale Broke two front teeth crushing against my "breasts she is built like a Elephant I "wonder if he died "happy.

    You were likely seeking an actual adult-like answer to this quest.I'll give it a whirl.We seek a kindred spirit,someone with similar values, interests and concerns.We look for someone who is not faking it and mostly a real grown-up man who loves his folks and music and animals and kids.And love...lots of love!

    You are on the wrong site. This is not a dating site.


    That's the best answer, Ann. thumbs ^

    Get on one of those whacked out stupid dating sites not here.

    Highlands81, I feel very sorry for you. Why are you looking for someone when I am sure you are married to a wonderful wife that has no idea you are on the computer looking for the perfect mate. I think you need to look at your life and see who you really are. The age you have for yourself is 1990 that would make you only 22 yrs. old. You also picked the perfect name for your profile it is the most common names in the U.S. I believe when men keep searching for the perfect person to share there life with, you also encounter a boat load of hurt to the family you disrespect so badly. Take a real good look at yourself and then ask the question to yourself "What is going to happen when your WIFE finally had enough of trying to make you happy. The next big blow that comes to you. A man wants to take care of your wife because you were too busy searching for your perfect mate. You put too many conditions on love. Ask yourself what love is? The answer is easy but if you don't know the heart you will never find the answer.

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