    My therapy dog Inca?

    I had the most fantastic experience with my dog Inca during our weekly visit to a aged care facility.

    One man in the dementia wing was being consoled bt y two staff one being a senior member the oyher a nurse.

    This chap was crying and incoherent.

    I asked if I could take Inca to see him but was told it was not a good plan.

    As Inca and I went to walk away the man saw Inca and stretched his arm out toward her.

    The nuse said "Do you want to meet inca" He kept reaching for Inca so I took her to him and he started to gently rub her fur( she is as soft as a cats fur) and after a few minutes he looked up at me and said as clear as a bell "What`s his name?" I explained Inca was far to lovely to be a bloke and that her name was Inca.and my name.

    This man patted Inca for ages talking to her telling her what a good dog she was, darling that she is Inca laped up all this attention nudgeing him when he stopped

    When we were leaving the man was laughing and happy he said "good bye mate and you too Inca, lovely to meet you both"

    This is what therapy dogs are about, bring joy and hapiness to a few poor devils who need it.

    Inca earned a juicy bone, I felt so privileged to have her it brought a lump to my throat.

    +7  Views: 647 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    It gave me great pleasure reading this, thanks PL.

    You have been blessed with haveing her I would love to see a photo of her when you have time xxx

    That my friend pulls the strings of the "heart.Dogs are so faithful loveable a friend for "life .Bless you and Inca.

    10 Answers

    That is a great story. My mom had Alzheimers and she spent alot of her time talking to my animals (2cats and two dogs). They somehow seemed to know that this was the only thing that made her happy and were following her everywhere. Mom was always happy with the animals around and also music, songs she used to sing when she was young.  There is a big connection between older people and animals. Inca has that intuition , she is there to help to bring happiness to those people, who otherwise live in a dark world of theire own. What an amazing dog.


    Thank you for your comments Ann and yes Inca is a special girl. As far as dogs sensing things We had a 56kg (123lb) Rottweiler and we had a frail elderly lady friend.
    When the lady was here the Rottie was as gentle as a lamb yet that evening she would be wrestling with my wife on the lounge room floor (the dog not the lady Ha Ha)snapping and snarling fit to rip your throat out. It was a game regularly played and never to be forgotten.

    I have a lump in my throat just reading this too, PL. What a great story. Dogs are magnificent creatures. I wish everybody could see them as we do. Thanks for sharing this awesome experience with all of us. (*~*) CB.

    Awesome! Thank you for sharing this story. My Shanti is also a therapy dog. It is amazing to see how people respond ... even seniors in nursing homes that are so-called catatonic. Unconditional love is the key to all woes. Congratulations and keep up the good works. And smooches to you and your pooch from me and Shanti.

    I know you said you loved dogs wow you must be honord to have a dog like this she is a angel wow when I was reading this I had a lump in my throat what adog  xxxx

    You are a treasure! Inca is an angel.. You are both blessed!

    What a beautiful story! You and your dog are great!

    my father in law had alzheimers, and quite similar to inca  our cat "peaches' would bring him a sense of peace and joy unlike none other..

    A man's / woman's  BEST FRIEND.

    What a wonderful mate you have in Inca,she sounds adorable.

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