    Do you think Iran is developing nuclear weapons,what will be the outcome.

    +3  Views: 623 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Yes indeed they have for quite some time now, or else they wouldn't have ejected those inspectors from the AEC. some years ago,If nothing is done Amadidijan (leader of Iran)  is crazy enough to use them. the biggest treat is to Israel at this point , but the rest of the world is in danger of a rouge regime like irans. My guess is Israel will draw first blood , meaning they will strike first and the rest of the world will condem them for it, when in reality it's self preservation. I don't think the usa wants blood on their hands over this, it would surprise me not if the usa and israel already have secret plans, to end this treat..


    Yes I agree, it was on the news last night in Uk, they think they may have a weapon within 18 months and they said Isreal is getting a bit jumpy, who can blame them with something like this on their doorstep.

    Of course.

    And as much as I feel countries such as Iran and North Korea should not have nukes, who are we (USA) to say they shouldn't?

    Remember, GWB called North Korea, Iraq and Iran part of an "Axis of Evil" in a state of the union address. we soon invaded Iraq.

    Lets face it, North Korea and Iran felt they were NEXT. The US and other countries would think twice before doing it to Iran or NK because of the probability of a nuclear war.

    Hell, at one time the United States had over 29,000 nuclear weapons in one shape or another. All of this was done to prevent the Soviet Union from attacking us. They did the same thing.

    Yes, its INSANE, but a fact of life. There is NOTHING we or anyone else can do if Iran wants to add nukes to its weapons arsenal.

    By the way, Moammar Gadhafi gave up his nuke program a few years ago.




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