9 Answers
God made us with free will, so we can choose Him or not. He is loving and kind and not willing that any perish, but all have eternal life in heaven, and full life here on earth. There is a real enemy and deceiver, the devil, that wants you to be on his side as well. He tempts you and entices you to do evil and go away from your creator. God loves you so much, that He won't control you to make you choose Him, but he lovingly calls you to turn to Him so you can know the fullness He gives. Why does evil exsist if God is so loving?...is one of the most common questions people ask about the Christian faith and the bible. I encourage you to read the bible and see what God says to you himself. I bet you can't just read one page. You will find love and healing and you will understand more about evil and good. I hope you find HIm, He loves you.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
The world is not messed up, it is the people in it that are messed up.
The fact that people believe in their particular version of a god is why people are messed up.
It is "mines bigger than yours" carried to extremes.
More discontent and yes, even outright hatred stems from a believe in a mighty diety than any other single force. "I am right so you must be wrong" syndrome.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I believe a wise person can pray equally well in a Church, Synagog or Temple or Mosque I did in Bethlehem and Jerusalem a few days ago praying at the Wailing Wall, Dome on the Rock and The Church of the Nativity each was spiritual in its own way I will be in Temples in India Christmas and New Year and China in June 2012
Most of the names we have given God refer to His (or Her) attributes There is one God of all
As it is now it is "us against them" and none of it makes sense.
God makes everything simple It is mankind that complicates it
We are born, we live and we die.
While we are here we better keep ourselves clean and bright because we are the window through which we see this beautiful world
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
PS "A sin" is a Roman archery term meaning "To have missed the mark" So if you have sinned you have simply missed the mark
Regarding free will. God gives me free will every morning on waking. I had made such a mess of my life I decided to hand my life back over to God EVERY MORNING
I had an unmanageable life but now have a manager to run it for me The power that created time and space now runs my life
10 minutes every morning I have Silence Stilness and Solitude (sss) With a paper and pen handy I "listen" to that little still voice within make notes as I contemplate the day ahead. Then I prioritise my list Daily I move frowards with my life. Sometimes quickly sometimes slowly everything I need materialises
Some think God is now the absent landlord to this planet but I know He still interveins in this world - at the level of mind!
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Unfortunately he also gave man the freedom of choice and the freedom to live and express. He gave the ten commandments to give one an idea of what one must do and he did make an idyllic world, but man chose to destroy it, and man will continue to do so until he realizes that he himself is the cause of his misery or happiness. With regard to the deformed and the others so made, it is unfortunate too that I cannot answer for God, but one answer may lie in the "sins of the parents being vested on the children up to the 7th generation". In the Buddhist religion it is called Karma and the idea is rebirth and to be born because your previous birth was not the most saintly.
12 years ago. Rating: 0 | |