    Help!!! Peoplelover needs help, time to shape up or ship out. Who is really my friend on AKA q&a?

    I have great photos of my trip to show you all BUT they are on memory (flash drive) sticks. Now I can get them to my computor BUT how do I get them to my "Peoplelovers` Adventure" story ????

    I am pretty dumb so no gobbly gook just simple language for a simple bloke please pretty please with sugar.

    Just reread this and I have to confess I am certainly "dumb" but "pretty" nah pass on that.

    +2  Views: 528 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    Ilike to help but iam a computer dummy too!

    Thanks anyway Bulletman.

    4 Answers

    Upload them to a photo host, like photobucket, then take the url link the photo host creates and come here, click the little tree  on "add new answer" there are two tabs on the pop up box, click the tab that reads, "upload image" and then  paste the link to "add image URL and post it. 


    Thanks Colleen will battle on with all the good info I have received.

    Contact Graham Piers Also known as Photonutter he loves Photography tell him I recommended him www. photonutter he explain whatever you want to know it's his passion . Flange

    I know friends should be there for you in a time of need ,but i can't help you out on this one Peoplelover,as i would not have a clue.How did you put the pics up of your dog ?  Should be similar.


    I sent them to Colleen and she put them on the site.Thanks for responding.

    I've missed you, P.L.   Kept asking everybody where you were. So, you were on a long trip? Welcome back.

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