    Are EPC cards a scam?

    +1  Views: 1118 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: epc epc cards

    2 Answers

    I am as lost about this one as anyone could be.

    My girlfriend was in bed all last week ill, and had trouble speaking. During which time she received a phone call from a man who was telling her that she was in debt with her credit cards, and said she is only making minimum payments and that she will never get out of debt. He then proceeded to go through (in detail, according to my GF) her past payment that she had made with other credit card companies.

    My GF was not interested and kindly said, 'no thank you' on several occasions. She then asked him to please just e-mail her as she was sick, and that she would think about it after reading the e-mail.

    3 days later, she is being charged $100 by this company. She never gave her bank information, debit card information, or any personal information what so ever. How did they charge us??? I do not get it.

    I have been trying to call the number, I was able to get through to a girl one time, she quickly proceeded to put me on hold for an hour. I then called back at 4:15, and the message said that they were closed after 5pm. I waited to leave a message as the recording asked of me, but there was no beep or tone, the recording just looped over and over. I ran a quick check on the number, and it came up as a cell phone number.

    I am fairly certain we have been scammed, or something is going on. I'm very concerned about this as I am afraid that they will start withdrawing more money with out permission.

    The number to the company is: 1(877)536-0076. The supposed name of the company is, Express Platinum.

    I tried running a google search, and came up with nothing. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Are EPC cards a scam


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