11 Answers
The iranian leader is a psychopath. He has repeated several times the destruction of israel. He is a slime ball and has a big mouth. He is scared to do much because he knows he will be killed if he attacks israel. Making the statements of attacking israel makes him feel big and important. The people of iran believe his speeches. But they do understand they cannot and will not win any war against israel.
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Its far more better to destroy their country and economy by electronic counter measures. They allready destroyed some of their nuclear centrifuges this way. More will be done this way.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
The U.S won't have to send troops to Iran like in the War with Iraq. The goal is to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities, something that can be done using only the air force. There is no need to conquer Iran. No body cares about them, but for the safety of all of us, we need to stop them from manufacturing nuclear missiles, or else we'll have another North Korea.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
No NO No Maybe the USA should also should "Stop manufacturing as well!! Israel can and should fight there own battles .Have we forgotten Iraq Would you like body bags sent home for Christmas That would happen if G.nut case Bush and Blair where in power.there leader is all mouth Iranian people might have other thoughts.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |