    does my landlord have to find us a place to live if his plumber snake the pipes and busted them?

    my bathtub was draining out real i told landlord and he sent a plumber to the house.the plumber snaked the bathtub and now i have water spots appearing on the carpet in hallway.they are getting bigger and it's beginning to stink in the house.maintance man stopped by and he said we are going to have to move . does this mean he will put us up somewhere during repair or what ?my house is a slab house.

    +1  Views: 472 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    well, yes! i had a furnace that wasnt working and i contacted the landlord/real estate agent. here it is -3 degrees in missouri and he said he'd have someone come out to look at it. well, he kept that promise but the repairman said he'd(the landlord) would have to pay to replace it. well, days went by and i was without heat. one day the space heater in the back of the apt.(not the furnace) exploded and i suffered 3rd degree burns on 37% of my body. I sue the landlord and the judge said that my landlord was completely responsible for making sure that someone was doing thier job. so not only did i win money from the lawsuit but the landlord had to give me another place to live while i recovered from injuries although i spent five and a half months in the hospital recovering. it was after the hospital release me that he had to give me another place. FREE OF CHARGE in addition to the settlement i received. so yes, your landlord is accountable for furnishing you another place.


    What a terrible ordeal you went through,because of the Lanlords incompetence.I hope you were compensated well.

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