    how do we get rid og bubblebee's that is in our yard? what is a good remedy that we can do by ourselves?

    0  Views: 307 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: bumblebees

    1 Answer

    Bumble bee control is similar on how you will control all the other bees, wasps, and hornets. Bumble bees are pollinating bees, however they WILL sting, but some bumble bees will also spray feces, and some can throw up honey. Bumble bees may be deadly to people in America. People who are allergic to bumble bees, bees, wasps, hornet, etc., may end up having a serious medical condition or an allergic reaction. Bumble bees are most active when temperatures are below 50F (10C; lowest observed flight at 26F/-3.6C) whereas, most bees stop being active at 61F (16C). Bumble bees are social insects which mean that they live in nests or colonies. An adult bumble bee worker is about 1/4″ – 1″ long and the Queen Bumble bee are about 3/4″ – 1″ long. They are black with yellow markings and they will look fuzzy overall. The Queen Bumble bee will lay her eggs and she will die and the workers and other queen bees will take care of the young.


    Bumble Bees do not dig holes or make tunnels in the wood; however they will nest in vacant rodent burrows, under piles of grass clippings or leaves, stones, logs, etc. Once in a while bumble bees will build a nest above the ground and they are usually on a wall, firewood pile, sheds, crawl spaces, or attics.


    For bumble bees, please apply in the evening when they are at rest to be sure that you have gotten all of them at once because if you spray during the day, it might agitate the bees and not all the bees might be in there, they will come back and just make another nest somewhere near the first one. When treating bumble bees hives, avoid the entrance opening of the hive when you are treating it because it will only increase the chance of being stung.

    Crack and Crevice Treatment:

    This treatment is generally applied with a liquid spray (MASTERLINE BIFENTHRIN 7.9, DEMON WP), dust (DELTA DUST, PYGANIC DUST), and aerosols (PT WASP-FREEZE AEROSOL, ALPINE AEROSOL). They are to be applied to small cracks and crevices in a structure with a bee might enter or build its nest near. For liquid spray application (MASTERLINE BIFENTHRIN 7.9, DEMON WP), you will need to have a pressure sprayer or a gallon sprayer (CHAPIN 1 GALLON SPRAYER). You will need to apply using the amount that is directed on the label and may need to reapply if needed. You will have to use a low pressure system with a pinpoint or variable patter nozzle to apply the spray mixture to areas such as cracks and crevices, in and around baseboards, and cracks and crevices outside of your home. The dust application is simple. However, when using dust please be cautious especially when children and pets are present. Use dust only in areas where they cannot reach. Both of the dusts, DELTA DUST and PYGANIC DUST, you will need to use a BELLOW BULB DUSTER . When using BELLOW BULB DUSTER or DELTA DUST and PYGANIC DUST, you will need to fill the duster with the dust as directed in the label and apply DELTA DUST and PYGANIC DUST to voids or channels in damaged wooden member of the structure, to cracks, spaces or bearing joints between the wood members of the structure, or in the holes of the hives. If the bumble bee built there hives under the ground, spray directly into the entrance, if you can not find the entrance, spray the surrounding area. Apply lightly and uniformly to infested area. DO NOT OVER USE DUST. For aerosol products ( PT WASP-FREEZE AEROSOL, ALPINE AEROSOL), you will need to apply them as a crack and crevice treatment into cracks, crevices, and voids, where bees and wasps may be traveling and/or harboring, including but not limited to, around doors, window frames, wall voids and other structural crack and crevices which can possibly count as an entry point. They usually do not nest inside the home but there is a slight chance.

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