    Who is winning the war in Afganistan?

    +2  Views: 912 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    The  Russions could not win the war in Afghanistan. The nearly went bankrupt. It is the same with our country,. Our brave military people dying for nothing and many civilian lives lost,  Those war-mongers in our government schould be held accountable.


    Well said and true Ann.

    I agree. Those top military brass wouldn't send THEIR son or daughter to Afgahnistan. It was the same way with Vietnam. And there was a draft going on then.

    I have said this before Nixon Bush or perhaps even Obama will send all the soldiers but would go themselves I am sure neither would this lot in the UK.Nobody has answered my questio about the War Dogs all 2000 of them who helped the soldiers in Vietnam only 200 made it home the rest were abandoned.

    There  is  NO  WINNERS  !!


    Thats exactly what I was going to say, I totally agree.

    I've always maintained that if the government decides to go into a country like this , then it should be only the leaders fighting amongst one another and losing their own family members, there would be a lot less wars in the world.Just like Mr.Den says there are never winners, both sides lose no matter what.

    There are NO winners in war...


    We did win world war ll. I don't think I'd care to be a nazi or to speak Japanese.

    My dad was on a sub in the navy during world war 11,and the only thing he would ever say about that war was "there are no winners in war".Also had a uncle killed in that war,he was a medic,killed in action in Italy (1942),I was named after him in his honor,so I'll still say...There are no winners in war.

    That one will never be won by either side. They may force them into an apparent submission but it will only be temporary.Al Quaeda will simply move it operations somewhere else & do the same thing.

    The best way to win is to move out of the place & do something to keep Al Quaeda in.That's my opinion.

    I think the taliban is winning. You won't beat them. They are everywhere, plus they're fanatics. Even if the west does win, you can't change the mindset of those people. They have lived this way for centuries. So, why are people trying to force democracy upon them? For them, their way of life is good. How would you like them entering the US or some other western nation and tellng you that the way you are living is not good and you must become like them. Holy hell, would break out, everyone would fight them tooth and nail. I know I would.


    You are right. The mindset of those people is in the dark ages. You cant change that in 8 years, not even in a hundred years.

    The armament manufacturers.

    No one. Just people dying for no good reason. 

    3 Aussies were killed there today as well as an Afghani interpreter in a different incident to the one that killed 17 Americans. Who's winning.I wonder.

    Well, the Taliban just killed 17 people today. ( Sat , Oct. 29, ' 11 )  , including some Americans and one Canadian. It was done by a suicide bomber. Why is the U.S. still in Afghanistan ?


    Why are the British there?

    arms manufacturers and their share holders, they always win in any war! 


    The Muslims ?- 50 Germans died also.

    No one, the thing about fighting in these countries where you're dealing with a gorilla force or terrorist hiding in the population is that you can't win; all you can do is to reach a point of containment or possiblely a little better. But, there is usually some resistance. Within our history we havent't won any ot the wars we''ve fought this way. We are pulling out of Iraq and there is still resistance there and will probably be more after we leave.

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