    Do you cook?

    What are some of your favorite meals? We're having potroast for dinner. So easy to make and soo delish!

    +8  Views: 1291 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    Sounds delicious!

    Nope allergic to cooking.

    15 Answers

    I love to cook but with my picky housemate, I don't get to "play" very much.....


    My wife is the same way! It's kind of sad, as there are so many different things to be tried. Some people find it hard to venture outside what they are familiar with.

    No kidding........

    I love to cook also. I'm one of the few golden oldies I know who still cooks. I keep telling my husband, enjoy it while you can!

    He can be but, he mows the lawn and helps out on groceries and loves the pets....

    I grew up with a father who was a cook in the merchant marines during world war II, thank God for that exposure to the spices! To this day, I love to taste everything there is to taste...within reason, of course!


    I learned most of my cooking from my dad. He could throw anything together and make it taste good!

    Pasta dishes are one of my favourites to cook,so many different sauces you can make with pasta.


    My husband is Sicilian, if he doesn't get pasta once a week, he goes into withdrawal.

    I cook all the time and bake all the time. Many different dishes, many without meat..


    My favorite meals are beef stew, Macaroni and Cheese, Chicken a la king and soup.

    When my husband was still alive, he did most of the cooking and even cleaning up. He was the best cook ever!

    yes I cook all the time I do cook always from scratch never buy ready cooked meals and never buy prosced food its gross and so bad for you


    Definitely with you on that one Mel,like to know exactly what im eating

    Definitely with you on that one Mel,like to know exactly what im eating

    leosmaml thanks yes I like to know what I am eating too xxx

    I like to cook I like tasting anyones dishes and trying to figure the contents. I start something and just throw in things until I think its great.  Not too many complaints


    Good for you. It's hard for me to taste something and figure out what's in it, especially if it's a spice I don't use.

    We used to make something in our family we called fried mush. It's really polenta, but that's what we called it. We loved it for breakfast fried crisp with butter and syrup. When I (still a bride) fixed it for my first husband he asked, "What's this?" I said, "Fried Mush." You should have seen the look on his face as he put his fork down and slowly repeated the words ... It was hysterical!

    I do all the cooking. All my husband knows how to cook is a cheese crisp. Oh yeah, he'll cook a steak on the grill, too, if he really has to!

    Home made lasagna, quiche, smoked brisket, pumpkin pie, clam chowder, too much more to list.


    Very impressive! Your list is making me hungry!

    I'm cooking stupid. I'd starve if not for my wife and neighbors. They use me as a guinea pig for new recipes. 


    Your neighbors actually cook for you? How nice!

    I cant cook .... but I can sure stir things up... by May West.

    My husband and I rarely eat together because of conflicting working hours, I hate his cooking which involves all things fried and greasy, he hates mine which is mostly veg or salad often with garlic prawns or rare steak. However I do love trying new things and adore chinese and Indian, Im going to take some classes when I get time

    I confess that I always have a few "Smart Ones" meals on hand for those times when my husband works late or for some other reason we are not eating together. My favorite is the ravioli. It's really pretty good. But other than than, I'm a scratch cook.

    I wouldn't call myself a cook but i can fallow a good recipe and make up my own on occasion, had to feed 4 hungry kids a few years on my own.

    Your kidding right? I'd starve to death were it not for my wife, neighbors, and the microwave.

    Nope allergic to it.

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