    correct this sentence: It is nice to meet your acquaintance.

    is it correct grammer to tell someone, It is great to meet your acquaintance?


    +1  Views: 6845 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    Correct grammar: MAKE your...
    jack the roofer

    Yep! ..."make your aquaintance"

    11 Answers

    I think its nice to make you acquiantance.


    Yes bandb4 , I agree Absolutley.

    The way you wrote it, it sounds like you’re glad to meet the person standing next to the one you’re speaking to.

    So try: I’m happy to meet you! You can look at them directly and use some enthusiasm. (but not too much.  Don’t stare. That will frighten them.

    Now if you’re meeting them at a funeral, tone it way way down, of course. : )    So much of speech is body language.

    I’ve read ALL the comments and I’m confuseled.   And I am guilty of TMI !

    It is nice to make your acquaintance.

    English is really one of the screwiest languages there is when you give it some thought. So many words mean multiple things.......grammar, punctuation, sentence structure....even slang for that matter can be hard to absorb if you are learning the language......the only other language that comes to mind is Chinese but then I believe their "character printing" fascinates me most of all even more so than the speech itself. However, I sounds like it should be "It's nice to make your acquaintance" but that sounds even screwier now that I repeat it to myself!....(:


    Somehow ... Hmmm ... "It's nice to make your acquaintance," just doesn't get the job done. It could be taken another way. I'm sure it wouldn't be ... I'm just blah blah blah.

    "It's nice seeing you here, ole hipster."

    If you are or were speaking to someone about meeting their friend or a 3rd party  it is in fact correct and dosen't need any correcting


    Yes. You keep it nice and simple, dunc.

    Unlees you are meeting someone friend... It should be make.


    oh yes, forgot that bit, if you meet their friend, you are meeting their acquaintance.

    I don't think the sentence is incorrect grammatically but not usually said that way. One "makes" an acquaintance.....

    Try this one."How are ya mate?". that's aussie for it's nice to make your aquaintance.

    It should be   '' It is nice to make  your aquaintence ....''

    We do not use that kind of English any longer. Remember KISS, KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID.

    Hello, it's nice to meet you.


    In writing, it is much better to use not more than two syllable words.

    Yama, You still here? Have we helped you out? Have we made your eyes spin? @@

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