    What is the best MMO on the market today?

    0  Views: 572 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    That's a tough question, Popsalot, not because there aren't a ton of MMOs out there -- there are, with a lot of F2P (free to play) ones emerging lately. So it isn't about availability, it's about what sort of MMO world appeals to you. Answering truth questions is easy (it's either true or false), value questions are a bit harder but doable if handled properly (it's "safe" as long as you stay with the norm) but what you ask is called a taste claim .. there is no right answer except what suits your particular tastes. The good news is that it doesn't cost anything (except an investment of a bit of time) to try the F2P ones and many of the non-free ones have a trial period that's free or low-cost. So head on out and try a few, I'm sure you'll find one to suit your tastes.

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