    was adam and eve white or black

    +2  Views: 656 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    The root of the word Adam means Red, Ruddy or Reddish Brown forming Red. Medical science has help to answer a question that aids in the validity of Adam and Eve concerning the different races for scientist have discovered through gene research that Eve could possibility have carried all the genes of every skin color.

    8 Answers

    Adam and Eve is a story, even religious people don't take it as fact. If you read your bible, you will notice that in their life, there are references to other villagers. So, regardless if they were black or white,  everyone came from the two of them alone.

    Its also possible to believe in both evolution and religion. For example, God may have put us on earth, but we spread out and changed colour according to where we lived and sun exposure. Or, if you believe in evolution farther back (i.e., everything came from a single cell), its still possible to believe that as God's plan all along, just a process he started. Its hard to prove one way or another because even the big bang theory doesnt explain how the big bang started.


    That makes alot of sense, never thought of it like that before. Nothings realy black or white.

    ... so then you don't believe that modern humans were created by aliens as a slave race to mine gold?

    no not for a second .. to much tv for you..i beleive we al we created by god ..

    The Adam & Eve story is indeed a story, however there are those who believe it is a fact. Check out the site to get the full Creationist viewpoint.

    Your comment about evolution and religion in compliance with God's Word could be valid if evolution was defined as adoptable to an environment. The single cell premise would fit the creatures that inhabited the earth before Adam's creation but Genesis precisely says that God formed man from the dust of the ground and just as dust our bodies contain just as many minerals as dust has. The Big Bang theory is just another way of saying, "God created" and if so it can be verified by using common logic. If there was nothing out there in the beginning, common sense dictates that nothing can create nothing.

    Adam and Eve were WHITE. After they were banished from heaven Adam was forced to work two jobs to make ends meet.

    He soon bought a house with a nice back yard with a dog and a hot tub in it. He then bought a used car and a boat soon followed. Adam got a raise and Eve's Apple Basket business picked up and they had no credit card bills.

    Then someone came along and told them they made too much money and had STUFF that the poor (_________) <----place race here] couple up the street wanted and they had to GIVE some of their stuff to them because it was only "fair".

    Adam and Eve got pissed off and threw that someone out of office and elected a representive that awards HARD WORK and not lazy cheap wine swiggen FREE LOADERS.

    Well, at least thats how I heard the story.  :)


    Well were the Black or White

    Read the first line.

    Sorry didn't see 1st line

    Adam loves to fish and is having a hard time parting with the boat. ;)

    I've been around 48 yrs and I 've never seen a White person nor a Black person where do these labels come from because Skin is definately not Black or White coloured on humans maybe Polar bears it's Black


    No idea

    Great answer, dunc ... I have wondered about these color labels since I was a kid!

    Mitochondrial Eve, she who is considered as the ancestor of all humans came from Africa so presumably was black.

    Only my opinion:

    Adam and Eve were the first Male and Female spices that god created not necessarily human male and female.


    ... so god created spice in his/her own image?

    What kind of spice?

    My bad, Species.
    Sorry for the confusion that must have had.

    Species! Spices! You know that we will laugh at you if you make a mistake...any old excuse will do! LOL

    Well, if we are talking about the biblical myth, that would put the Garden of Eden in Mesopotamia, modern Iraq ... so, dark skinned.

    I agree with Daren especially about the evolution and sun factor, I thought we were all black until we migrated ??? I know not as in depth as Daren's great answer.

    I was taught that Adam was created in God's image and placed in the Garden of Eden. God noticed he was lonely and troubled and took a rib from him creating a woman named Eve. At this time .. it was gone un-notiiced of gender differences, until Eve took a bite of an apple.

    Like I've stated before.. Education goes both ways. One of "Faith" and one on "Logic". Whewwww!

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