    my laptop wont wake up from sleep or hibernation

    it works ok when I switch it off and on again , any ideas?

    0  Views: 556 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    It's most likely sick of working all hours of the night. Take it to the shop you brought it from and ask them.

    I'm presuming it's a Windows OS laptop and not a Mac. Generally, hibernation/sleep problems fall into two categories -- the first concerns your laptop battery. If it is not fully charged (or even if fully charged, the laptop lid is closed fully), it can trigger a full shutdown of the system and often disrupt the laptop's sleep/awake triggers. The second category concerns WIndows' handling (or mishandling) of hybrid sleep. It is not uncommon for power settings to get nerfed (corrupted) and thus, the laptop shuts down (since it has "lost" it's settings for what to do to emerge from hybrid sleep. To troubleshoot, start with the simplest solution (keyboard re-awakens the system) by going to Start > Control Panel > Keyboard Properties, select the Hardware tab and click the Properties button; then click the Change settings button and select the Power Management tab, making sure the Allow this device to waken the computer checkbox is checked. You can repeat this process for the built-in or external mouse (or trackball or touchpad) and enable those devices to also waken the laptop. If you see no Power Management tab... uh oh, you may need to go to troubleshooting step 2: Disabling the Screensaver (right-click desktop, select Personalize, click Screen Saver and set it to None ... often screen savers override other devices when they kick in. Last, and most severe (especially if in step 1 there was no Power Management tab) is to use System Restore to reset Windows to a previous point where power management was working. This option is extreme, however. It is because of Microsoft's notoriously poor Power Management tools/implementation that many users opt to use a third-party Power Management software solution (an online search should find one to suit your needs).

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